
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Stories: A Cat in the Tree

Floppy loves cats so he barks at a cat.
The cat run up the tree.
The children came.
Biff was cross.
Wilma climbed the wall.
Wilma finally climbed the tree but didn't get it.
Wilma can't get down.
Wilma's Dad was cross.
He put the ladder up.
She safely get down.
Wilma's dad climbed the tree.
He also couldn't get the cat,
He couldn't get down.
The cat jump down.
The fire man put a ladder up.
Wilma's Dad safely climbed down.
The cat climbed up the tree again.
Everyone said "Oh no!"


Nintendo Labs fishing rod!!!

I am really happy!
Because I made 1 Nintendo Labo Kit!!
It is the fishing rod.

I made this with only card board!!
But we have more.
Next time I will build a bike!
I had Labo from Santa.
I was really happy next year.
What did you have from Santa?
I wanted to have this.

I love Legos.
But the Labo is more good!
I think it cost many money.
It is good right?
Why don't you buy Labo?
Do you like Labo?
Everyone likes it.
But that is all about today...
But bye!!!!


Winter school YMCA

Today I went to YMCA winter school.
I went for 4 days.
I made many things.
The teacher was called Danyk
He was from Canada.
It was a really funny lesson.
I made a yoyo...
I made Inuit yo-yo.
The Eskimos made the Inuit yo-yo first.

I made Inuit yo-yo, rice crispy squares, science.

This is rice crispy squares.

This is the science that we did.
And we made some original songs for winter like these songs.

Can you watch the video?
That it all for today.
I want to go again.
I made 1 friend.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Stories: By the Stream

The children played by the stream.
Kipper dropped Teddy in the water.
Everyone tried but nobody can take.
Lastly, Dad fell into the water and catch it.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Patterned Stories: Creepy-Crawly!

Wilma had a joke spider called Creepy Crawly.
She put in the bath.
Wilma and Wilf called Dad, Mum,Chip.
Everyone can't take the Creepy crawly.
Lastly, Everyone called Kipper.
Everyone was scared of taking out but...
Kipper took out!
It was easy.
Every one was scared.

Do you like spiders?
I want to buy a joke spider and put in in my mom's bag.
Kipper is brave!!!


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories B: The Wobbly Tooth

Kipper had a wiggly tooth.
Kipper thought that the tooth fairy will come.
Mum wanted to pull it out.
Dad wanted to pull out with a big sniper.
Biff went on the swing.
Kipper pushed her.
Biff jumped of the swing.
The swing hit Kipper's mouth!
The tooth was gone.
Kipper had swallowed it.
Kipper was upset because the tooth fairy will not come.
Every one gave a coin to Kipper.
Now he got 3 coins.
Kipper was glad.

I want many money because I can buy many things.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Patterned Stories: Hey Presto!

The family went to a magic show.
A conjuror was in a show.
Her name was "Sheena".
She took Dad's tie, Mum's earring, Dad's watch and put in a bag.
She took Dad on the stage.
She out the Bag on Dad's head.
Sheena took a big box.
She put Wilma inside.
Sheena took her wand.
"Hey presto!"she said.
Wilma had the tie, earring and watch on her body.
I want to do many magic.
Because when I do magic, I will be happy!


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories B: Kipper's Laces

Kipper bought a new shoe.
But he couldn't tie his laces.
Dad tie Kipper's laces.
Mum pay money.
Kipper was at school.
The class had P.E.
After the class, Kipper can't tie his laces.
The teacher helped him.
Some other students were laughing.
He was upset.
He told Dad.
Dad made a block and laces.
Kipper tried, and tried and tried.
He made it!
Kipper was at school.
Some other students needed help.
But Kipper did it.
At last, the laces were tied each other.


Poor Floppy. Roderick Hunt, Thelma Page (Ort First Sentences)

Floppy was not good.
He lay on his bed.
It was bad.
Biff wrote a message to Floppy.
Kipper cried.
Mum took Floppy to the vet.
Chip went, too.
Chip saw 6 cats.
Floppy looked at the cats.
He was not well.
The vet looked at Floppy.
They said give him some pills.
Floppy had some pills.
Floppy was soon better.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories A: The Baby-Sitter

Dad and Mum get out and the kids couldn't sleep.
Kipper wanted to read books.
Everyone read.
Biff wanted to eat.
They made a big sandwich and ate.
Chip wanted a Pillow fight.
Everyone joined.
Everyone slept.
It was a mess.
The Baby sitter vacuum.
Mum and Dad come back.
When Mum said "Was everyone good?", The Baby sitter said "Yes and No".


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories A: Kipper's Balloon 著者 : Roderick Hunt

Mum and Dad went shopping.
Kipper bought a balloon.
They went to the super market.
The balloon brake!
Kipper bought a new balloon.
Dad went to the toilet.
Dad saw a balloon.
It was Kipper's balloon.
He ran after.
He ran and ran.
It was on a statue.
Dad got it down.
Kipper bought another one but Dad had it.
Oh no!


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories A: Kipper's Birthday

Kipper had an birthday party.
Kipper give everyone a card.
Everyone wanted to come.
The Robinson family prepared.
Dad took a sandwich.
At that time, Soap flakes in the washing machine.
Don't put soap flakes in the washing machine.
Everyone came.
Dad played a game.
But the children out the TV on.
Mum came to the kitchen and it was a mess with soap.
The children played with the soap.
The children said it was a nice party.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Stories: The Toys' Party

Kipper makes a party.
Every one don't want to come.
So he got his stuffed toys.
Kipper makes a cake.
He puts

Corn flakes Jam

tomato sauce Sugar

Milk Baked beans.

Kipper made a gross cake.
Mum saw that cake.
Mum was cross!!!!
Kipper's stuffed toys were dirty.
He put them into the washing machine.
Mum drys Kipper's clothes.
Kipper was sorry.

What I think

I like cakes.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: First Sentences: A Present for Mum

It was Dad and Mum Anniversary.
Dad has a special present for Mum.
That was a ring.
The ring was small but the present was big.
They finished their prepare.
The Party began.
Everyone came.
They showed their presents.
Mum had a smaller box.
The present went smaller, smaller and smaller.
They opened the box and it was the ruby.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: First Sentences: The Big Egg

The children fed the hens.
They find eggs.
They put the eggs in a box.
But dad was talking to the farmer and had an idea.
Kipper still find and find until.......
Kipper found a big egg!
It was to big for hens..
Dad said come so everyone went.
It was the ostrich egg!
It was to big.
And Dad's breakfast was a big ostrich egg.
It was to big to eat.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1+: More First Sentences A: Look After Me

Wilma showed a girl named Kate.
She saw everything and played and said "I like this!".
She was a kind of a baby so she slept in the Baby car.
Wilma, Chip and Biff saw she slept.
They said"We like this.".


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: First Sentences: Put It Back

Biff found a crab.
Everyone watched the crab.
Chip said "Put it back.".
Biff put the crab back.
Dad said "Let's look on the sand".
So everyone see around the beach.
Chip found a net.
Mum found a wood.
Kipper found a good shell.
It was the best of all.
Everyone put all of what they found.
But Kipper's best shell has legs!!!!
Dad said it was a hermit crab.
It lives in a shell.
Kipper said "Put it back.".
Dad put it back.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1+: More First Sentences A: Go Away Cat

Everyone says GO away cat but the cat do not go.
Floppy will come!
Then, Floppy came!!!!!!
The cat was scared but, it chased floppy!
Good cat!


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1+: More First Sentences A: Go on Mum

Mum was running for the Mums! Fun run.
She did at the Army Training.
Mum runs a race!
Every one was saying "Go on mum!"
And Mum says "I am going."
There was many courses.
Everyone did Lap 2 but Mum finished at Lap 1.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: First Sentences: In a Bit

Mum and Dad wanted some help but the Children were watching TV so they said"In a bit."
Mum and Dad wanted to wash the clothes, washing the car, and a mess in Kipper's room.
But Mum had an idea.
The children wanted some dinner but.....
Mum and Dad said "In a bit!" with the TV mask on.


Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1: First Words Storybooks: Who Is It?

Everyone guessed who was the shadow.
The Shadow was Biff, Chip, Mum, Kipper, Floppy and a spaceman.
But It was not a a spaceman!
It was Dad!!!!!


Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1: First Words: Good Trick

Biff and Chip did a trick.
First there was a rug, then a sheet.
After that, a big box.
Then, there was a little box and.........
Then KIPPER went out from the little box.
And Dad and Mum and Wilf and Floppy watched the trick.


A new game!

The last blog, I wrote about a book called Oshiro Tantei right?
I made a game with Oshiro Tantei!
It is a card game!
It can do many games!
Today, I have it in my home so I want to play with my father and mother.
It is fun!
But I made it so you can not buy but you can draw your own card game!
Like this!

It is easy!
But reading is good too!
I have this book.

I love this and  I already read it.
But I don't know this book.

I want to buy this book.


I have a new book!

Do you like reading books?
Well, I do!
I love reading a book called Oshiri Tantei.
It means Butt  Detector.
I love!!
It is a story  that a detector detects.
There is many Series.
I will show you a video.
It is my first Book of Oshiri Tantei!
It is famous!
And fun!
You should buy!
I bought at a book store called Junkudo.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...