
10 Questions!!!!(What OO do you like?)

Today, I will answer a letter from John!

To : Leo

Hello, Leo!
Today, I have some questions!
I just list up some!

1.What is your favorite food?
2.What is your favorite animal?
3.What is your favorite anime / manga?
4.What is your favorite game(software)?
5.What is your favorite character?
6.I heard that you are proggraming in this Corona vacation, but what proggraming language do you use(I want to see the project too)?
7.What is your favorite drink?
8.Which do you use the most of the day?(Gmail, Blogger, Nintendo Switch, Chrome, Affinity Designer)
9.What is your best thing you did in your life?
10.What is your worst thing you did in your life?

And I have 1 more question.

I have a friend called Takumi, and he also sees your blog.
But he only knows a little bit of English.
Can you post a Japanese blog?

From, John

Ok, ok, first is the repeating(continuous) 10 questions!!

My answers -------------

1. Yakisoba(Fried Noodles)
          Because it is delicious than any food!(Except for Fruits, and deserts)
2. Cheetah
           Because they are fast and cool!
3. Demon Slayer(Kimetsu no Yaiba)
           Because I like Katanas!
4. Splatoon 2, Mario Maker 2, and so on.
          Because Splatoon 2 is a cool game that shoots ink, and it is fun and do another battle for some reason.
           Because Mario Maker 2 allows to make your own courses, and it is creative to make courses.
5. Tanjiro
         Because I love Demon Slayer(Kimetsu no Yaiba)
6. Python and Scratch
           You can copy and paste at Idle, Visual Studio Code, and so on.
 Python Code 1

import random
choices = ["rubber band", "knife", "thunder"]
print("Thunder wins with the knife.Rubber band wins with thunder.Knife wins with Rubber band.")
player = input("Do you want to be rubber band, knife, or thunder (or quit)? ")
while player != "quit":                 # Keep playing until the user quits
    player = player.lower()             # Change user entry to lowercase
    computer = random.choice(choices)   # Pick one of the items in choices
    print("You chose " + player + ", and the computer chose " + computer + ".")
    if player == computer:
        print("It's a tie!")
    elif player == "knife":
        if computer == "rubber band":
            print("You win!Knife cuts rubber band")
            print("I win!")
    elif player == "thunder":
        if computer == "knife":
            print("You win!")
            print("I win!")
    elif player == "rubber band":
        if computer == "thunder":
            print("You win!")
            print("I win!")
        print("I think there was some sort of error...")
    print()                             # Skip a line
    player = input("Do you want to be rubber band, knife, or thunder? (or quit)? ")

 Python Code 2

import random

lives = 9

words = ['Kirby', 'Mario', 'Zelda', 'Slime', 'Spoon', 'Heart', 'Phone',
         'Mouse', 'Light', 'Plate', 'Shirt', 'Plane',  'Horse', 'Otter',
         'Poop', 'Game', 'Inkling', 'Mississippi', 'Tomato', 'Vocabulary',
         'Encyclopedia' ]

secret_word = random.choice(words).lower()

unknown_letters_count = len(secret_word)
clue = list('?' * unknown_letters_count)

heart_symbol = u'\u2764'

guessed_word_correctly = False

def  update_clue(guessed_letter, secret_word, clue, unknown_letters_count):
    index = 0
    while index < len(secret_word):
        if guessed_letter == secret_word[index]:
            clue[index] = guessed_letter
            unknown_letters_count = unknown_letters_count - 1
        index = index + 1
    return unknown_letters_count

difficulty = input('''Choose difficulty (type 1, 2 or 3):
1 Easy
2 Normal
3 Hard
difficulty = int(difficulty)

if difficulty == 1:
    lives = 12
elif difficulty == 2:
    lives = 9

elif difficulty == 3:
    lives = 5

while lives > 0:
    print('Lives left is: ' + heart_symbol * lives)
    guess = input('Type the letter or the whole word: ').lower()

    if guess == secret_word:
        guessed_word_correctly = True
    elif guess in secret_word:
        unknown_letters_count = update_clue(guess, secret_word, clue, unknown_letters_count)
        print('Sorry, it is not correct, you lose a life.')
        lives = lives - 1

    if unknown_letters_count == 0:
        guessed_word_correctly = True

if guessed_word_correctly:
    print('You won! The secret word was ' + secret_word)

    print('Sorry, you lose. The secret word was ' + secret_word

Scratch Code1

Scratch Code2

7. Hot Chocolate
        Because Hot Chocolate is yummy!

8. Blogger and Nintendo Switch
        Because I use everyday.

9. Scored a goal at soccer for the first time
          I was very happy!!!!
10. About Corona(Every one dies)
         I was sad.....(-_-)

And the last question....
Yes! I will post Japanese posts sometimes!!!!

So, Bye!!!

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...