
A little conversation(BIG Adventure) with Akira(Part 4)

Leo618 : This is Great!
Akira : What is "Great"?
Leo618 : Look at that!
Akira : Huh---That's great!

Leo618 : So, should we go?
Akira : Yes we should!
Leo618 : But I have a bad feeling here.....
Akira : Why?
Leo618 : Hmmmmm.......... But I think there are no problems!!
Akira : LET'S GO!


Leo618 : Where are we.... Wait! Here is the street of the game world!
??? : Here is the game world.... Welcome.
Akira : B-But we are living here! And you are "Mitsuri"!
Mitsuri : But who ARE you?
Leo618 : YOU don't know? This is Leo618 and Akira!
Mitsuri : I've never heard that.

Leo618 : WHY!!!???
Akira : Wait..... Mitsuri is right..... The whole world looks likeー
Leo618 :  LONG AGO!
Akira : Yes..... So it means...
Leo618 : We were not "born" so "Mitsuri" didn't know!!!!
Akira : Oh no..... This is a disaster.
Leo618 : Yes... OH NO!!!!
To be continued...

So, is that fun? There is "A little conversation with Akira" Logo! Please use it free!

And there is "A little conversation(BIG Adventure) with Akira" Logo! This also, please use it free!


0 件のコメント:

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...