Today, I will talk with Akira!
Akira is my friend but he doesn't exist in real life.
So, It is my virtual friend! ( ´ ▽ ` )
The Story Starts!
Leo618 : I THOUGHT AND THOUGHT ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!About THE CORONA!
Akira : Uh, your drinking some beer or something?
Leo618 : What are you saying about?
Akira : HUH! YOU Don't know!!!!!
Leo618 : Sorry, This is Akira's routine.
Akira : What? What is happening!?
Leo618 : You know, this is not the Corona I'm saying, It is the virus!
Akira : Ok, the Corona Virus!
I know, Corona Virus is strong in the viruses!
And there is 3 ways that you need to be careful!
This is 密集. Everyone gathers together and infect.
This is 密閉 completed. Look! There is an circle!
This is 密閉. They are touching everywhere.
So that's 3密. So, Bye!!!