
Python Letters Only (Edabit)


Today's question is this!

Check if the given string consists of only letters and spaces and if every letter is in lower case.


letters_only("PYTHON") ➞ False

letters_only("python") ➞ True

letters_only("12321313") ➞ False

letters_only("i have spaces") ➞ True

letters_only("i have numbers(1-10)") ➞ False

letters_only("") ➞ False

From : Letters Only // Edabit 

The code is here.

def letters_only(s):
if s == "":
return False
for i in s:
if i.isupper():
return False
if i.isnumeric():
return False
return True

Let's see one by one.

First, let's think about the first if.

If the first if is gone, when a parameter came, it will be True.


It has 0 letters so it does not loop.

So, it finishes the loop and returns True.

It should be False.

So, we need to check if the parameter(s) has no letters(or numbers).

If then, return False.

Next, we will go into the loop.

Let's see if all letters are all lower case and has no numbers.

When one letter is upper or has number(numeric), we will return False.

After finishing the loop, we will return True.

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