
Python Explanation


Today is the python explanation!

Today's question is this!

Create a function that takes a number (from 1 - 60) and returns a corresponding string of hyphens.


num_to_dashes(1) ➞ "-"

num_to_dashes(5) ➞ "-----"

num_to_dashes(3) ➞ "---"

From : Convert Number to String of Dashes // Edabit

This is my code.

My code.

def num_to_dashes(num):
output = ''
counter = 0
while counter < num:
output += '-'
counter += 1
return output

First, let's make a empty stringーoutput.

Next, let's make a counter setted to 0.

After that, let's make a While loop with a conditionーwhile the number is bigger than the counter.

Inside the while loop, we will plus the output with the Dash(-) and also plus the counter by 1.

After looping, we will return output.

What a easy code!

See ya!

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