
Monkey Puzzle 2

Today’s video is about Monkey Puzzle 2.
The Monkey lost his mommy but a butterfly appeared.
The butterfly always mistakes because the monkey says on by one.
The first place was the elephant.
The Monkey and the butterfly talked together about if it’s his mommy or not.
The monkey said “No,no,no that’s an elephant”.
They went to the second place.
The monkey and the butterfly talked together about the snake and repeat.
The next place was the spider.
They did the same thing as the 2nd place.
After that they went to parrot,frog,bat,elephant again but they coudn’t find monkey’s mommy.
The last stop was the Monkey’s daddy.
The Monkey followed Monkey’s daddy.
The daddy went to mommy’s place.
They was happy!!!!!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!

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