

 Today, is not Book review!
Today, I will talk about these small ones!

Pikmins are tiny creatures.
Each Pikmin has a ability.
Let me show on a list.

Red Pikmin = use full for fire
Yellow Pikmin = use full for electricity
Blue Pikmin = use full for water
Black Pikmin = use full for breaking glasses, etc.
Pink Pikmin = use full for flying
Purple Pikmin = use full for poison

Those are the Pikmins I know.
In Pikmin world, they are very small, the almost same size with Olimar.
Monsters apear and Pikmins fight them.
Some Pikmins die, some Pikmins will be alive.
It is a puzzle game, which you use all Pikmins.
If they worked well, the leaf on the head will grow to a bud, after that, it grow up to a flower!
Go Pikmin!


Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...