
Nintendo Switch (Part 2)

Hello everyone!
This is Leo and Bot Andrew.
Beep beep!
Do you know where I am?
Well, I am at the ____ store.
Game store.
I will buy a soft ware.
Also, I will watch gamers playing games!
I am looking forward to that.
Also, Bot Andrew and my friends Moby(a robot) will play games.
Right, Moby and Bot Andrew?
Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi!
The gamers will do games at 3:30 PM.
You will do on 3:45.
And I will buy the super game set.
Splatoon 2.
<On June 18th>
My birthday!

Dear Leo and Bot Andrew and Moby,

Today a new soft ware will come.

Thanks, 0123 service
<1 hour later>
Ding Dong!
Who's there?
<Playing games sound>
It was really fun playing.
I will play again.


Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...