
I have birthday presents!!

Today, I want to show you my birthday present.
A quiz!

What did I get? Say 2 answers.

1. Nintendo Labo VR kit

2. Kirby amiibo

3. Kirby doll

4. Fortnite

5. Kirby star allies

6. Mario Maker 2

The answer is..

3 and 6!
Let me show you Kirby.

And this is Mario Maker.

I love Mario Maker 2.

I love to play.
I made 6 courses.
It was very long time to make.
But I made it.
I made a secret course for my father.
My father did and it was very difficult.
I laughed!
But he knew the buttons.
Maybe he was doing the play mode.
I love the secret course.
We do many game overs.
I cleared at 1 time.
It was easy.
My father was surprised.
I play with Kirby and sleep with Kirby.
She is so soft.
I love because she is soft and small and cute.
It is the bell!
See ya!

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...