
Luigi Mansion 3

Today, I will show you Luigi Mansion 3!

Luigi Mansion 3

Luigi Mansion 3 is  a game that the nervous Luigi saves Mario and his friends with his clone, Gooigi.
Gooigi is made off Goo, he can go though bars and he is useful to play.
Luigi was in a hotel with many ghosts.
He must vacuum the ghosts.
And run from the King Boo!
And there is many awesome skills coming to Luigi Mansion 3.
For example slamming the ghosts.
There is many mystery scenes and scary scenes.
Have fun.....

From King Boo

Ooh, that was a scary letter...

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...