
Typhoon 19 in Japan 2019

 2019, typhoon 19 hit East Japan.

Dies, missing raised 90 in 24th.

Also now, some people evacuate, and it takes time to restore.

13 prefecture heavy rain alert!!!



The new era Reiwa

 In 2019, the new era "Reiwa" was announced.

It changed from "Heisei" to "Reiwa" in April 1st.

It's the first era that quoted from the Japanese book :"Manyoushu".📚

Heisei abdicate the first time after the Meiji era.


The first person to create snow

 The first person to create snow!

That is, Ukichiro Nakaya.

Ukichiro is a physicist(1900~1962), made the first artificial snow in the world.
He knew that the snow's shape will change by the moisture and temperature.
Ukichiro leaved the word "Snow was a letter from the god."




Today, I will talk about snow.

In Tokyo, a big snow falls. This is the picture with the big snow and the people waiting for the bus.

We can know the moisture and the temperature.

A person called Araki(One of researchers) started the 「#Kanto Snow Crystal Project」and get many pictures of the snow flakes from the citizens and discover why Capital areas snow very hard.

From 2019, Araki decided to spread the recruitment from Tokyo to Nationwide.

The citizens cooperation to collect data makes the study more easier.

This is called citizen-science.

Araki-san is getting data and also getting fun with weathers.

I knew Tokyo can snow very hard!!!

Suprised!٩( ᐛ )و



About Ultrasound

 Ultrasound is a....

・A sound that human can't hear(Human can hear 20Hz ~ 20KHz)

Animals use Ultra soundー

It uses                                 It uses ultra sound

ultrasound                          to take food,

to not bump into                and conversation 

other bats                          with friends

Ultrasound is used all over the worldー


Day 4 〜To Osaka〜


This would be the last day of the trip to Nagano!

Today, there will be no rides of bicycle!

But very hot, though....☀️

Today,(August 16) I went to a Wasabi farm!

A wasabi farm?👨🏻‍🌾

Yeah! A wasabi farm!

The wasabi farm is a farm that grows wasabi!

The farmers make wasabi like this.

______________________________ ←The black cover

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ←Wasabi

 |#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#| ←| = Very fresh water # = Soil


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                          👨🏻‍🌾 ← Farmer

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




 All was made by wasabi.

 Softcream, Hanburger, soba noodles, all made by wasabi!

 But it is not like really spicy....

 In the breakfast, I ate the CROQUETTE OF WASABI!!!!

 But it was very good as like the normal croquette.

It was very good that I can eat 100 of them.(It makes my tummy explode)For lunch, I ate Wasabi soba, also can eat 100 of them..(I was full when I ate one)

 There is a history in the Wasabi farm.....

 There is the king called Hachimen King.

 If you want to search, Google, Bing should be the one.

 Type in "八面大王".

 The history of Hachimen King should be the result.


 Then, right after lunch, we went to a fruit picking.

 We picked peaches, peaches is for summer.🍑

 We picked many types of peaches.

 Every peach was very delicious, but the white peach was the best.

 OH〜White peach! You were the delicious peach ever!!!!

 And that was the feeling of the delicious white peach.

 I could eat many of them, but when I ate, my tummy was full!

 But I ate peaches as many as possible.


 Then, I went to a place called Enakyo and saw the Oi-dam.

 Enakyo is a Dam lake in Gifu.

 The dam was big!

 It stopped the water.

 Then, I did bug picking.

Day 2 〜In Nagano〜


 Today,(August 14) I went to Nagano, right?

 And said a dangerous thing slither..( *`ω´) 

 And that will be... Sun Burn!

 It was very hot!!!!

 I can die.......

 I went to a big trip from Azumino to Hakuba.

 With a bicycle!(Road bike)

 It was really hot, my skin burn! !(◎_◎;)

 But it was very long.

 There was like 140 km...(´・_・`)

 And, I also ate some soba in lunch.

 It was delicious!

Some people say, 「頑張ってるねー」and 「かっこいいなー」and extra...

  I passed 2 lakes, and went 1 big hill!

  1st lake is Aoki lake, 2nd lake is Kizaki lake.

  But I did it!


When I made it, I was really fun! (≧∇≦)

But the sun burn hurts.....

And, I also get into the public bath and slept in the car.

And then, I saw the stars in Nagano...

There were +100 stars!

I saw the Summer Big Traiangle!

WOW!!! It was very beatiful.

And, 1 more news for Japanese!


ゆっくりレオっちch. は新しいスプラ実況あげました!


So, bye!!!!


Day 3 〜Suwa lake〜


Today,(August 15) I went to Suwa lake!!!

First, My father and mother drank coffee.

And saw the big other hills from a big hill's top!

And, saw the sea of clouds!!!

And, I went to Suwa.

Suwa lake is 16 km.

So, there was only a little sun burn! (My sun burn hurts...)

I, Leo618 was very hot that I can die!


The lunch made me feel better!!! ( ・∇・)

And, I also went to Suwa Taisha. (A big shrine)

And I rode slowly and then get into foot spa.

It rested my foot but my sun burn hurted!!!!

Yeah! It was really great!

And went to a Winery!

The winery was large, but I don't know a bit of some wine, so it made me boring......( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I went to Matsumoto castle.

It was very black.

It was like a coal!!

Maybe it was made by coals.....🧐

Then, I ate the really delicious ramen noodle!

Oh, and I did not get into the public bath and slept in the tent.

In the tent, I played Nintendo Switch and played with fireworks!

VERY FUN!!!!!!!! It was just very fun!

It was a fun 1 day!

So, Bye!!!

Day 1 〜Trip to Nagano〜


Today, (August 13th) I went to Nagano with the car!

From Osaka to Nagano is 380 km.

It is very far, isn't it?

Firstly, I woke up fast and do my works.(Like packing up)

And then, I packed up some bags in the car, and it was a long trip to Nigata.

I went to Kyoto, Shiga, Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama and then is was Nigata.

And then, I played with sand with Oyashirazu Koshirazu.

In the car, I played some game.

Then, I made it to Nagano.

I stayed in Horigane no Sato.

I get in the public bath.

And looked some stars and sleep.

Because tommorow will be a dangerous day!


中臣鎌足(Kamatari Nakanotomi)

Today is Kamatari Nakanotomi, a Japanese statesman.

This is a QUIZ!!!!! YAY!

Quiz. Nakanotomi managed to pick up something from Emperor Tenji. What is it?

1. Wallet

2. Shoe

3. Wig

The answer is...... 2!!

Emperor Tenji was playing football, and his shoe Slipped out and hit to Nakanotomi.

And, Tenji also wanted to destroy Sogashi.



Greta Thunberg

Did you hear the Lebanon Explosion?!
With Corona with explosion.....
I am really sad....

I will pray for Lebanon....
At least 73 dead...
It may explode in my and your country!!!!
So, back to people.

Greta Thunberg is a 16 years old Sweden high school student.
She works for global warming. 
She also be absent in school and say everyone about global warming.


五十嵐カノア(Kanoa Igarashi)

Kanoa Igarashi is a Surfing player, 21 years old.
His Japanese parents said they want to make him into a world-class surfer.
So his parents went to California.
Kanoa means "freedom" in Hawaiian.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...