
Eiken Interview.

Today I took Eiken Interview.
It was near Aikawa station.
It was in a high school.
I saw a big court there.
In the court, the students were playing soccer.
And I saw a student kicking the ball back and it flew.
I wait until the long hand touches to 11.
My mother was there until the long hand touches to 8.
Then, a lady bring to an old man.
The old man said my name.
I knoked at the door and I said “May I come in?”.
The old lady awnsered ”please come in”.
I went inside.
The old lady said ”GIve me the card".
I said ”Here you are”.
The old lady said ”Please take a seat.
I said “Thank you”.
I sat down on the chair.
The old lady asked ”What’s your name?"
I answered my name.
Then, the old lady gave me a card.
On the card, there was a passage on the top and a picture on the bottom.
The title was About Japan.
There were 5 questions.
After quetion number 3, I fliped the card.
The old lady gave 2 questions.
I felt happy because it was Eiken Interview.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!

Super Leo 4!

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