
About shogi.

Today I will teach about shogi.
Shogi is a game which has some many triangle things.
I will show you a picture.

It is cool, right?
I love shogi very much.
But there is moves.
But there is many shogi peaces so I will not say all.
But shogi is fun.
If you come to Japan, I think you know very fast.
Maybe the Japanese people can teach you.
If you know shogi, Maybe you love shogi.
It is nice.
I have a shogi book.
I rate 100%.(shogi)
I hope you will know shogi fast.

Quiz Time ~ !

I am asking to the people who know shogi.
If you don't know shogi, you can skip. 
I will give you three questions.
Q1) How many squares can the king move?

1. Only left(1 step)
2. Only right(1 step)
3. All the squares(1 step)

Q2) Yes or No:
May the king win the game?

1. Yes
2. No

Q3(last))If your opponent takes the king, you ______.
1. Lose
2. Win
3. Continue


Q1. All the squares (1 step)
Q2. No
Q3. Lose


That's all for today.


FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona is one of the best team in Spain.
It plays in Laliga, Spain's top soccer league.
Barca has millions of fans around the world.
The team from Barcelona, Spain's second largest city.
Lionel Messi joined Barca in 2004.
Do you like Barcelona and Lionel Messi?
I love Lionel Messi and Barcelona.
Maybe Lionel Messi shoot in the goal more than 500 goals.


That's all for today.

Soccer time!

Soccer is a fun game.
People play it all over the world.
You don't need much to play soccer.
You need a ball.
You need shoes.
You need a net.
There are 2 teams.
They play on a grass field.
Each team has a new at one end of the field.
Now I will ask a question.
Why do the teams wear different shirts?
Players cannot use their hands.
Only the goalie can pick up the ball.
The goalie stands in front of the net.
Players pass the ball to their teammates.
They run down the field.
They try to kick the ball past the goalie.
The ball goes into the net!
This is called the goal.
The team with the most goal wins!


That's all for today.



Today I will talk about  a book called "Yum!".
A boy will make an ice cream.
I will show the story.
It takes one banana....
It takes one banana and 3 scoops of ice cream......
It takes one banana, 3 scoops of ice cream and a dribble of chocolate sauce........
It takes one banana, 3 scoops of ice cream, a dribble of chocolate sauce and 3 squirts of whipped cream......
It takes one banana, 3 scoops of ice cream, a dribble of chocolate sauce, 3 squirts of whipped cream and cherries on the top......
It takes on banana, 3 scoops of ice cream, a dribble of chocolate sauce, three squirts of whipped cream and cherries on top to make the perfect desert.

The End

How did you feel?
I felt happy.
I want to eat the ice cream because it has 3 scoops.
But my teeth will turn black.
But I liked when some one say "3 scoops of ice cream".


That's all for today.


I made the bad guy's truck and police with Lego.

I made the bad guys  truck and the police with Lego and that's so cool.
As you see in the picture, the police is riding on the motor bike.
It is small, but maybe you can see a little tall box.
That is the bad guy's treasure.
But the bad guy is caught by the police.
The polices are wearing a helmet.
Of course!
Maybe the bad guy's truck is a tow truck!
But maybe.
If you didn't see the box and the whole truck so I will show you a picture clearly.

Do you see the box?
It is behind the truck.
The truck is cool, isn't it?
The money is out of the box.
Because the box is open.
If you have a Lego world and if you have this type of Lego, you can install to your Lego world.
I didn't buy.
My cousin gave me the Lego.
I love it!.
I like to play with Lego.
It is fun when I am making something with Lego.


That's all for today.


Last day in Kyushu.

Today was the last day in Kyushu.


Yesterday, I went to the stall.
There were many tourists.
I was hungry.
So we went to a place called "Canal city".
We went to the stall.
We lined up a little bit.
It was yummy.
I ate Ramen and a food called "Oden".
I ate so many, so my tummy was full.

Bullet train

The local train was slow, so I went home with a bullet train.
The bullet train had a toilet, garbage can, vending machine, smoking area, powder room and a table.
The bullet train was very fast.
The door automatically open.
I got down in a station called "Shin - Osaka".
Then, I change trains with a train called "Midosuji line" and change trains again with a train called "Tanimachi line".
I loved the train.
The bullet train was so cool.
I want to ride everyday.
I will rate.......

Marine world

I went to an aquarium called "Marine world".
There was many fishes.
I went to the restaurant.
And I watch the dolphin show.
The dolphin's moves were great.
One of them was not a dolphin.
It was a whale.
It was big!
There were sardines.
There were 20, 000 sardines.
There were fur seals.
The fur seals clap and they balanced on a ball.
It was very fun and I was a little bit wet!


That's all for today.

Summer vacation's second half.

"Jigoku Meguri"

Today I woke up at 6 : 50  and I went to the "Jigoku Meguri".
"Jigoku Meguri" is a tour of spa that's have more than 90 degrees celcius hot water.
We collect 7 stamps from  "Jigoku Meguri".
There were many kind of  "Jikgoku".
We could see the alligators and crocodiles.
The "Jigoku"  looked  hot.♨
If you are  a bad boy or girl, when you die, the goblin will take you and put it in the boil water.(More than 90 degrees celcius.)
We took photos for you.

It was fun!
I ate hot - spring spa egg.
It was yummy!😃
We went  to  the foot bath.
I want  to go again.
I went by car.

Hot - spring

Next, we went to the Hot -  spring.
We did the sand  spa.
It was  hot.
We put sand all sand except our face.
We  was in the sand spa for 10 minutes.
Then,   I took a shower.
Because   we    were   covered with sand.
We went to the hot - spring.
It was  hot.


That's all for today.


It is the half of summer vaction's trip!


It is the half of  the summer vacation's trip.
The summer vacation's trip's half is fast!
We traveled around Japan!

About the beach

We went to the beach.
We played with the waves.
We played with the sand and make a sandcastle and made walls to not come water and to  not break the sandcastle.
I  will show you a picture.

 About the  train

We rode the train.
It was not a bullet train.🚆
I will send you a picture.

We rode like 11 hours.(In total eleven hours)
I looked though the window and it was  almost  everything was countrydide.


That's all for today.


Soccer (Part 2).


Are you ready to score some goals?
Get some friends (11 friends) and lace up your shoes.
In the most part of the world, people call football.
Soccer players need gears.
Shin guards protect your legs.
Soccer socks keep your shin guards in place.
Did you know that more than 250 million people are playing soccer?
Each player has a job.
Some players work in an offence and shoot the goal.
Some players work for the deffence and save the goal.
All the players work.
When the game starts, it's starts from a kickoff.
2 players stands in the center and pass.
The players dribble the ball and pass.
They stop the ball with their chests, too.
Some people head the ball.
The players can't touch the ball with their hands.
The field has line painted on the ground.
If the ball goes out of the line, the opponent can kick or throw.
If someone kicks or punch or push, the referee may blow his whistle.
It means a free kick.
When the team shoots in the goal, it means they score 1 point.
Then the other team gets to kick off.
The most point wins.


That's all for today.

Today the typhoon was coming!

Today the typhoon was coming.
My morning glory was lively but the slippers were  full of water.
It rained all day.
I stayed at my home because it rainy hard and I couldn't go to the Iki Iki.
I learned programing at my home.
The programing was boring but it was fun when I finished the programing.
I did programing from day to night.
I spent 6 hours to study programing.
I did Python programing.
We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.
In a loop in Python, it is like this.
 for i in range(6):
  print(We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.)

Then, it will go like this.
We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.
We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.
We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.
We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.
We did programing 30 minutes and we did rest time for 10 minutes.
I will send the link of programing.
I love programing.
I think you love programing.
The link is about Python so if you don't know how to write in Python, search "Python programing" on   
Google Chrome or Safari or Fire fox and so on.
And you can click on the links.
I think there is examples.
Have fun doing Python!


That's all for today.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...