
Best Foot Forward

About the story

Someone gives a quiz and say "Whose foot is this?"
There are walking feet, swimming feet, climbing feet, Digging Feet, Jumping feet and Extraordinary feet.
There are a human's feet, too.

Walking feet

Copse snail
Long horned beetle

Climbing feet

Leaf tailed gecko
Red eyed tree frog

Swimming feet

Australian freshwater crocodile
African clawed frog

Digging feet

Red footed tortoise

Jumping feet

Snow hare

Extraordinary Feet

Sea Star
Death's Head Hawkmoth caterpillar


I went to my friend's house.

Today I went to my friend's house.
I did homework there.
And also we played games like Splatoon 2.
I am playing Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Switch is like this.
This is Zelda.
I spend many hours in my friend's house.
Zelda is nice.
Splatoon 2 is this.
It is nice.
I like Splatoon 2 the best!
This is the Hikakin Series.
I like the Hikakin Series.
He plays man games.
But it is time.



How are you?
I played soccer.
And I played with the 3rd grade!
I did the goal keeper.
And I did good saves.
But the opponent's team was strong.
They were fast!
The shoot were strong!
But it was a good match!
I did 6 matches!
But the defense was good!
I had to work today.
I had to use my hands so my hand hurt.
But I lose!
I also went to the right wing.
It was difficult.
Referee says, Leo team wins!
Red card!
No way!!!!!
It finish with a 2 -4.
That's great.
But it is the time to say good bye!

So That's How the Moon Changes Shape

About this book

This book us about moon.
The moon doesn't shine by itself.
The moon just reflects sunshine.
So, there are many types of moon shape like full moon, half moon, crescent moon.

What I think

I want to go to the space!


This story is about kindergarten's excursion.
But kindergarten's principal over slept on that morning and was late for the excursion.
He joined later, but he forgot to bring his lunch box, so everyone shared their lunch with principal.
They ate happily together.

What I think

I like this story.
I like the playing scene in the park.
I want to play in this park, too.

See Me Run

About the Story

There are many dogs in this story.
Many different dogs.
They ran/played with mud/took a bath/dig/found a bone/ran again.
I like the retriever the best.

What I think

I want to keep many dogs.
I want to be the price cheap.

Good News Bad News

Good News
They are going to a picnic.
They have an umbrella.
The tree's down they can do a picnic.
They can eat apples.
They bring a cake.
They bring the fly swatter.
They can still lick the cake.
They can run to the cave.
They reach the top of the flag.
The bear run away.
They start the picnic again.

Bad News
It rains.
The umbrella go away to the tree.
Apples go down the tree.
There is a worm in the apple.
A bee stope at the cake.
All the paint spit on Mouse.
Many bees come after them.
A bear comes.
The lightning hit the flag.


The Very Hungry Caterpillar


There was a very hungry caterpillar.
And it was too small.
In one week, he ate many foods.
But, he had a stomachache.
On Sunday, he ate a one nice leaf.
He chomp.
And he grew a very big size.
He stayed in a cocoon for 2 weeks and Pop!
A butterfly!!!


The butterfly is beautiful.
And the foods looks yummy.


About the Story

White bear cooks 4 pancakes with his mother.
And he shared with his friend.
It looks very yummy and sweet and big.

What we need for cooking a pancake

Frying pan
Big dish
Baking Soda

How to cook a pancake

1. Break and put eggs in the bowl.
2. Then put milk in the bowl and mix them together.
3.Put flour, sugar, baking soda into the bowl and mix them well.
4. Bake in the Frying pan.

What I think

I want to eat a pancake with a special topping.
I want to make my first special topping.

No Two Alike


In this book, we see two snowflakes, two nests, two tracks, two branches, two leaves, two forests, two fences, two houses, two friends, two feathers.
And we know no two alike, almost almost, but not quire.


No one is the same.


This is a math book.
We have to combine the piece of art to make curtain number.
They were difficult.
We use masterpieces to do math so the name of this book is math-terpiieces.
That's interesting.
We saw the masterpieces of Edgar Sagas, Claude Monet, Pierre-August Senior, Paul Cenzane, Vincent van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Salvador Dali, Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol.
I like the time warp of Salvador Dal the best.


Zigg and super heros

About the Story

Zigg is a tiger and he met many friends.
Zebu, a zebra/ Zoco, a crocodile/ Zaza, a mouse/ Zico, a hippo/ Zonk, a monkey/ Zola, a koala.
They had a trouble, but Zigg gave them a good idea.
But the next day, Zigg all forgot......
We all have good things and bad things.
But we are great as we are.
So we have to cooperate each other.

My Good things

creative work(such as drawing)

My bad things


What I think

The story is interesting. I want many friends!


I did many things!

I will say what I did!

1. Earthquake

Today, when I was walking with my friends, a huge earthquake rumbled!
But I didn't feel anything.
So I escape to a safe place, then I walked again.
Huge amount of people was touching phones.
And now, it is a disaster.
Many cars, and some people died!
I don't like earthquakes.
Elevators stop, the train stoped!
I must go by stairs instead of elevators.
Many fire trucks and ambulances go.
I even saw a fire helicopter.
It was really cool!
I never seen a fire helicopter before.

2. Go to friends house

Today, I went to my friends house.
We did Nintendo Switch.
We did Splatoon 2!
And I am weak.

And today it is my birthday!
I am 8.
I had many fun doing Nintendo Switch!
Any way, that's all about what  did.
So that's all about that.


I did Osaka Marathon.

Today, I did Osaka Marathon.
It is a fun run.
And I must run 3 kilometers!
It was really hard.
The time is 17.11.
I was really fast!
I  almost be 10th!
So, I go 1 lap around the Yammer Stadium Nagai.
It was really hot.
I will show you a picture.

The track is big, right?
The rainbow is the goal!
I took Aquarius, a bread and other things!
And I ate the bread.
When running, I took a water.
I got wet.
My father went to 10 kilometers race.
Even he has an injury.
But I don't have an injury.
And I pass my Mom!
Because my Mom is slow.
But that's all!


I went to Hirakata!

Hello everyone!

With this bike, I went to my first long ride!
I went to Hirakata!
I kept 24 kilometers.
I did many techniques.
Like this.

I am drinking a water bottle.
And I am riding and drinking.
I can do riding without holding 2 hands.
This bike was fast!!
My max speed was 30 kilometers.
No way!
I did it.
I went many connivence stores, too.
I  went to Family Mart and Lawson.
It took 2 hours!
And it was a very hot day!
It is time now,.
Thank you and Bye!!


I will go to Kidzania!

Welcome to Blogger.com.
Today's topic is "I will go to Kidzania!".
Japan, In Koshien.
I will show you a link.
So this is the link.
There are Kidzanias in other country, too.
But one question.
Have you been to Kidzania?
And one more question.
Do you like Kidzania?
In Kidzania, you have to do the jobs.(Only Kids)
I will go on July.
There is the fire fighter.
But maybe you must pay 5000¥!
Next time, I will have more fun!
So, do youuuuuuuuu know about Kidzania?
One time, I want to make Kidzania.
With more fun like convenience store, and more.
So that's end of the topic.



Today I learned......
Yesterday, _______.
___ have / has _________.
Easy right?
Can you ask me?
For example, Yesterday, I played outside.
                       I have played outside.
Another example is, Today, I played soccer.
                                  I have played soccer.
We use the verbs.(Past tense)
Verbs are words.
You describe when someone or something does the action.
When She, He, It you use "has".
When We, They you use "have".
You know the rules?
Ask me a question!
Ding Dong!!!
Oh, It is 6:00!


First Ride of Giant!


So... today I did my first ride!
It was easy.
Because I have the 20 inch rode bike.
I has many speeds.
When I ride almost ride with my Maximum, I slow down.
It has 25 kilometers!
It was also tall.
It was taller than me!
It was a short ride, but it was fun!
I wanted to ride since yesterday.
I was thinking I want to ride.
Can you see the tires?
There are really big!
But the saddle was low.
So I will do a little higher.
We have the front gear and the back gear.
And there are several gears.
I went along the river.
Next time, I will do long ride with my bicycle.
It's time to say Bye now.



I am hungry.
Today's topic is "Lunch"?
Lunch = You eat foods in Afternoon.
Afternoon = After + noon= Afternoon. This time is about 12:00.
I love foods.
Even when I am full.
I try to eat.
Last time, I ate too many foods.
My tummy was almost broken.
I eat this.
It is the main food.

It was very yummy.
I can say it is the best!

By the way, that shop I went is called, "Bronco Billy".
It is a steak house.
When I eat hamburg and steak, it was delicious.
Link of Bronco Billy.
You know, it is a buffet.
There are ice creams, fruits, salad and more.
You can search on devices.
But it is time to say Bye bye.


New Bike

My parents bought me a new bike as my birthday present.🚴‍♂️🎁
The brand of the bike is Giant.
The colors are orange and black.
The main color is black.
The size is 24 inches and it is to big.
But I love it.
The type is rode bike.

My goal is, go Biwaichi in 1 day.
Biwaichi is  a big lake in Shiga, Japan.
I will finish sometimes.
I bought in a Giant store.
Only Giant bikes are sold in there.
I went by car.
There was a movie called "Tom and Jerry".
It was a movie that a cat and the mouse fight each other.
It is a fun movie.
There were helmets, shoes, cycle computer and more.
There were many different types of bicycles.
Mountain, minivelo, flat bar and more!
But it was raining.
I was very happy.
Hey, pass me the bike!
What the heck it emojis?
Wait, I passed 8!
Are you not happy?
Very cool!
So.... What are you doing with the bikes?
Ride the bikes!
<Riding the bike sound>



I am glad to see you.
And I want to show you some quizzes.

1. Where is this pink country?

1. India
2. England
3. Australia

2.Is it a girl? A boy?(Only one answer)

1. Girl
2. Boy

3. Who is this?

1. Messi
2. Neymar
3. Ronaldo

4. What is this?

1. boarding game
2. A special rubik cube
3. Shogi

Do you know them?
Answers are some where.
2. boy
3 Messi
4. Shogi
Fun, right?
But it is time.

700 posts on my blog!

I posted 700 blogs and I love it!

What is most Glad things

Many people see my blog.
Because the audience want to see my blog and I want to show to the audience.

What is most difficult things?

Even my mother says something, I don't know how to do it.
I don't know how to write.

Kind of Article

Quizes, Trivia, Book review, games, Introduce something and more.
I wrote many kind of article.

What I can do now

I can post a video!
I write many sentences.
I can upload images and links.
I can do post a blog fast.
My typing is speedy.

Things to try

I want to tell about Trivia.
I want to be a Trivia man.

Next goal?

I want to post 800 blogs.
Until October, 2018.

I want to go to Kidzania!
You can do the job.
That's all about today.


Interesting Quiz!

Today, Quiz time!
Let the game begin!
1. What is this?

1. Nintendo Switch
2. Wii
3. Nintendo 3DS

2. Udon is a city. Which country of the city?

1. Thailand
2. Nigeria
3.  Turkey

3. True or false: Does the Nile goes though Egypt?

1. True
2. False

4. Is this soft? Or hard?

1. Soft
2. Hard

1. Nintendo Switch
2. Thailand
3. True
4. Soft

Your quiz

What is your name?

What is your favorite color?

What sport do you like?

What playing do you like?

What food and drink do you like?

What character do you like?

What fruit do you like?

How old are you?

How's the weather today?

Is it hot? Warm? Cold? Cool?

Do you like any favorite things?

What is your goal?

What is your favorite thing you did in your life?

What is your favorite games, movies?

Do you have any plans?

What country do you want to go?

That's all about yourself.
Tick tock.
Bing Bing Bing!
Oh! It is 6:00 p.m.



Have you seen knights and warriors?
Well, I didn't!
Because I am a child.
I can't be a warrior or knights.
Maybe I can be a soldier when I grow up.
Shooting a gun.
What's that sound?
1.breaking glass
2.shooting gun
3.fighting with sword and shield
Number 2!
Well, I never (1,2,3).Because I am not a soldier.
Answers are somewhere.
And why I am talking about warriors?
1. Made with origami
2. I love warriors
3. Want to be a warrior
Number 1!
I (1,2,3) with helmets, swords and other equipments.
The Answers are some where again!
Yes, I love making with origami.
I made for only 20 minutes!
And I love it!
I made armors, too.
It is really cool.
The shield is strong, the sword is diamond!
We can battle!
Battle time!
Player one : Leo HP 100%
Player two : (Your name) HP 100%
Player one: Leo HP 10%
I died.
You win!!
Player two WINS!!!!!!
Player one LOSE.......
Oh, It is 6:00 p.m.


About the Story

There were long hand and short hand of the clock.
They met acorns, the acorns blocked them.
If they tell the time, the acorns gave the way.
So they told the time.
After that, they met the light creatures.
The light creatures also blocked them.
If they tell the time, the light creatures give the way.
So they tell the time.

What I can learn

We can learn how to read the clock easily.

What I think

It was interesting.

Bruno Munari's Zoo

著者 : Bruno Munari
Chronicle Books
発売日 : 2005-02-17
About Story

This books is about zoo.
There are a lot of animals.
Parrot, elephant, flamingos, zebras, lion, squirrels, rhinos, snake, fox, birds, camels, seal, tiger, monkeys, leopard, hippos, peacocks, kangaroos, polar bear, porcupines, tortoises.

What I think

I like leopard the best because it is cool.
I like every picture on this book.
I found two butterflies on each page.

I think if zebras take off their pajamas, they become meat.



著者 : Harry Bliss
Scholastic Press
発売日 : 2011-08-01

Bailey is a special dog who goes to the school.
At school, he does many things like sharing/math/art/lunch/report/recess/planting/music/dance/reading.


I want a pet dog.
I want to take my dog to school.
I noticed Japanese school and American school are different.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...