
I did many things!

I will say what I did!

1. Earthquake

Today, when I was walking with my friends, a huge earthquake rumbled!
But I didn't feel anything.
So I escape to a safe place, then I walked again.
Huge amount of people was touching phones.
And now, it is a disaster.
Many cars, and some people died!
I don't like earthquakes.
Elevators stop, the train stoped!
I must go by stairs instead of elevators.
Many fire trucks and ambulances go.
I even saw a fire helicopter.
It was really cool!
I never seen a fire helicopter before.

2. Go to friends house

Today, I went to my friends house.
We did Nintendo Switch.
We did Splatoon 2!
And I am weak.

And today it is my birthday!
I am 8.
I had many fun doing Nintendo Switch!
Any way, that's all about what  did.
So that's all about that.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...