City exploring (Osaka Tenmangu)
It is one of our school Program.
We went there on foot it takes 10 mins to get there.
Osaka Tenmangu is a very big shrine with long history.
IT was built over 1000 years ago.
We met Shinto priest and asked some questions.
Then we prayed to the god.
Then we came backed to school
What I think.
It was big!!!
Holiday in Japan
Dad will go to Japan so Gran will pay all of the children and they went to a hotel in Tokyo.
The hotel was so beautiful that we can see miles and miles away.
The next day, Rio and Yoko and the Robison family went sightseeing.
It was the temple.
And Biff bought the fan for Gran.
They all ate lunch.
Then, they went back to the hotel but on the way to the station, Yoko and Rio was missing so the Robinson family was lost.
But the school students go to the station so the Family follow them.
The next day, They rode a Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto.
Every one saw Mount Fuji from the window.
At the Kyoto's hotel, it was a Japanese traditional hotel.
They saw the Golden Pavilion but it was raining.
At last they went home and Gran was standing.
When they go home, the children spoke to Rio online.
Unko Kanji Drill
This is a drill!
This drill is really fun!
But it is not a normal drill.
Do you know what?
? ? ? ? ? ?
The Answer is..........
The Japan's fun Kanji drill!
The name!
? ? ? ? ?
It is the Unko(poo) Kanji drill.
Everyone will laugh with this.
It is for 1st grade.
日本一楽しい漢字ドリル うんこかん字ドリル 小学2年生
It is a drill.
And do you know what drill?
Yeah, it is the Japan's most famous and fun drill!
Unko Kanji Drill!
Unko means Poo and Kanji is a Japanese Letter.
And it is for 2nd grade.
I am now 8 and I am at 2nd grade so I bought that drill.
It is really funny because when we write the Kanji, using that Kanji, the Drill is written a sentence and also it is also related too POO!
I Am Going! (An Elephant and Piggie Book)
And he said more and more future to go.
But Piggie said she will go now.
And Gerald said Why? multiple times.
And Gerald was crying and Piggie said it is lunchtime.
And Piggie said she will go to eat lunch.
And Gerald said Is it a big lunch? and he went together and Gerald said This is a good day. and Piggie said Just like Yesterday...
There are many mazes with colorful and beautiful illustrations.
But it's not just a maze.
We can travel with this book around the world say China, India , Russia, France, Italy, Egypt, Brazil, U.S, Australia and so on.
And we can enjoy finding game, too.
There are some trivia about each country so we can learn while playing.
It's amazing!
Oxford Reading Tree Read with Biff, Chip & Kipper: Level 3 Phonics & First Stories: Ouch! and Other Stories (Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories)
Floppy was dreaming he was in the desert.
In his dreamworld, floppy was in the sand and it was hot so Floppy said "Ouch!"
Then, there was a girl on a horse.
The girl was Biff!!!
The Sandstorm came.
Biff put Floppy on the horse.
Biff did the horse faster.
He went faster!
Then he stoped and Floppy flew down the horse.
And Floppy hit the cactus.
But that was the dream world so it was only Biff was taking the cactus.
There is other stories too!
Lego Idea
Today I will tell you about a book called Lego Idea.
This book is about Lego Ideas.
This book guides what you want to make.
For example, if you want to make a big house, you can look at that book.
I like the pirates categories.
The monster truck is also really good.
When I grow up, maybe I want to be a Lego master.
And make great Lego things!!!
Because I have many Legos in my home.
I love Legos.
How about you?
Do you like Legos?
Do you want to be a Lego master?
It is really fun and famous.
Clifford Goes to Dog School (Clifford, the Big Red Dog)
She told him to stay.
So he kept stay, stay, staying for a long time.
Even if the dog chow dropped, the frisbee flew by his nose and some dogs and cats played near him.
But he finally moved to save Elizabeth from hitting by a car.
Without training, Clifford is the best dog!!
What I think
My favorite part is the scene that Clifford saved Elizabeth.
I went to Kyoto!!!!!
How are you doing?
Well, I went to Kyoto!!!
Because there was school yesterday so today there is no school.
Today I liked the Kyoto railway museum so I will say about the railway museum.
I went Kyoto with my mom and I went from Osaka ---- Kyoto by train.
After I arrived at Kyoto, I went by foot and I also rode on the bus.
My foot was hurting.
And when I arrived at the railway museum, there was many trains!!!! 🚆
There were many types of trains.
I liked the Shinkansen.
And I also by a ticket(with free because it is a museum) and go to a station gate.
There was the new gate and the old gate.
I also operate the driver and railroad crossing.
I also operate more things.
Sometimes I go inside the train.
It was sooooooooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!
Then, I go home.
I also visited other places too.
For example, a shrine.
It was so fun!
That is all for today.
英語で読み聞かせ せかいのおはなし〈2〉 (Kids selection―Sanseido’s story time)
I like the Golden axe and the Silver Axe the best.
Because the honest people is honest so the Lake Fairy give him the gold and the silver axe.
This book contains Godlicks and the three little bears, the wolf and the Seven little kids, The country Mouse and the City mouse, Jack and the Bean stalk.
Each story has beautiful pictures so I love it!!!
What I think
I like this book.
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1+: More First Sentences B: Sandcastle
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1+: More First Sentences C: See Me Skip
I made Family Mart with LEGOS!!!!
Today, I made something with Legos.
Of course,, I will show you other Legos.
Lego is famous.
But, If you don't know what is Lego, Lego is a block.
You can make anything with block parts.
I hope everyone know what is Lego.....
But this is a Lego block.
So I will show my great Family Mart!!!
Look at that FamilyMart!!!!
`It is so good!
Look at the Legos, drinks and the cashier!
I like the Lego part.
But we have more things I made with Legos.
Look at that!
That is so amazing!!1
The racing car, the TNT!
That is so amazing.
That is all for today.
I went to Manabio
Today I went to Manabio.
Manabio is an English school that teaches Japanese kids.
For example, you are at a Manabio near by Japanese school.
If you go, it is perfect!!
So, First, I played with Legos.
Then when the lesson starts, I sing the song.
It was long!
This is the song.
But I can not show you the second song.
Then, we did the flash cards.
We did the Thanks giving flashcards.
For example, turkey, pilgrim, etc.
After that, I did the Craft.
I made a card to the cake shop.
I drew a cake.
While I am cleaning up, I must go so I went home.
It was really fun!
知ってる?フットサル (クイズでスポーツがうまくなる)
We can learn more about Futsal.
Some of them are very easy but some of them are difficult.
I didn't know about Fusal very much, before reading this book.
But now, I know there are many difference between soccer and Futsal.
Learning Futsal is fun.
What I think
I love soccer more than Futsal.
Fun facts!!!!
Today, I need to tell you a good news!!!
The news is I have a poo in my house!!
No! No!
I will tell you fun facts!!!
1. In Japan, KFC gave away iPhone Cases Shaped like Giant Chicken Drumsticks.
2. California Inventors Created a Real Life Hoverboard!
3. Cucumbers were known as "Cow cumbers" Until the Mid- 19th Century.
4, Hello Kitty's full name is Kitty White.
5. A group of Twitter users in Japan once posted 143,199 tweets in 1 second.
6. Cockroaches that lived 250 million years ago were as big as today's house cats.
How was that?
I love the 1 because If that Giant Chicken Drumsticks were real, I can eat!!!!
How about you?
I love reading .
This is the Weird but true 7!
If you want to buy, go to the amazon and type in " Weird but true 7".
We have more Weird but true series.
Thank you and bye!!!!
Fun in Nara
I did Challenge Course.
There are 3 courses.
One s the Adventure Course, One is the Challenge Course and another is the Forest Segway Course.
5. English Crossing
4. Tunnel Crossing
3. Spider's Web
2. Trapeze
1. ZIP LINE!!!!!
It was so fun so I want to go again!!!
I want to go all the course.
This is the link.
Then, I went to the Sheep Farm called Mee Mee Farm.
I saw many sheep.
I saw the Suffolk and the Corriedale.
Suffolk is known as Shaun the Sheep.
I like Suffolk more than Corriedale.
I feed both sheep.
It was fun!!!
This is the link.
I like the Forest Adventure than the Mee Mee Farm.
That' all for today.
I went to McDonalds!
Today, I went to McDonalds!!!
This McDonalds!
No, no, no!
I went to a tower called OAP.
I did the take out and I ordered Happy set and I chose Cheese Burger , French fries S, and Apple Juice and Super Mario toys.
If you don't know McDonalds, McDonalds is a fast food store.
I love that store.
When I opened the Super Mario toys, it was a Fireball Luigi!
He had big nose, and You must throw the fireballs to the enemies.
That`s all for today.
Thank's for looking my Blog.
I got an Amibo!
How are you doing?
So there is a big news for you.
I bought an Amibo!!!!!!
If you don't know Amibo, Amibo can give you extra things to your game.
Look at this.
I got the Zelda Link Twilight Princess.
When we scan the Amibo, the treasure chest will be falling down.
Maybe, A rare item like Epona the horse, Twilight Bow, etc will come!
I love getting rare items.
I also bought the DLC pack too!
Each Amibo can give us different items.
How about this?
That's the Twilight Link Amibo.
We have Skyward Sword, Link(Archery), Link(Riding), etc.
That's the end of today.
Thank you and Bye!!!!!!
Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3 Storybooks: Nobody Wanted to Play
Oxford Reading Tree: Biff, Chip and Kipper Companion 2: Year 1 / Year 2
About the story
This book has many things like Children Indroduction, Spot the difference, Story introduction, etc.
I love how to draw Floppy.
Mum also likes it.
Reading this book, we can know more about Biff, Chip , Kipper and their family and friends.
What I think
I want to read the Part 3.
The Legend of Zelda Official Sticker Book (Nintendo) (Sticker Books)
If you like Zelda, buy this!
You can solve mazes, quizzes, and more with the Zelda series.
Of course, you can do the sticker quiz.
I love the Zelda Breath of the Wild.
I love the scene of doing drawing
Shrines, towers, castle are all in Zelda.
There is a boy named Link.
He is the true hero of Hyrule.
Link lives in a Magical land Full of Forests, Mountains, and Caves.
The Magical land is Hyrule.
What I think
I love Link. I want to be Link.
Biwa ichi
We call the round trip with bike around Biwa lake, the biggest lake in Japan.
I did Biwa Ichi yesterday.
It was exiting because I dropped on many places.
Then, when I finished the riding, I went to my Grandmas house.
I ate dinner and slept at my Grandma's house.
I was tired.
The next day, I woke up at 6 :13 and went down and made omelets with my Grandma.
I ate and it was super delicious.
Then, I watched TV.
When the time tikes around 11:00, I stop watching and went to the BBQ.
I ate many foods like sausages, meat, etc.
It was yummy!
Then, I played badminton.
It was super fun!
That's all!
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Stories: On the Sand
Biff and Chip played sand and put sand on Dad sleeping at the beach.
Then, they wen to se something interesting having and ice-cream.
Later, when they comeback, they saw only a hat in a sea, no Dad, They were worried. But dad was just hiding.
He was safe.
What I think
I like the go to the beach.
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