
I Will Take A Nap! (An Elephant and Piggie Book

This book is about Gerald and Piggie.
Gerald is going to take a nap.
He is going to take a nap because he is tired and cranky.
He dreamed he will take a nap but Piggie call Gerald.
Gerald was cranky so he will sleep.
Piggie and Gerald start to fight each other.
Lastly, Piggie floats and Piggies head was a turnip head.
Gerald wake up .


Smartphones and Police


Today, I read this news.
I learned that American police cannot force people to unlock their devices without warrant.

Biometric unlocking is easier and more secure so many people use it.
I think this regulation is good because we can protect human rights.



This is a cooking book.
If you read this book, elementary school students can cook too.
of course, adults can cook also.
When I read and cook the recipe, It is really yummy.
There is many recipes.
For example, rice balls.
There is pizzas, curry and desserts, and also smoothies too!
I love this book.
There is many yummy recipes.


I went to Expo City.

Hi Hi Hi!
Today, we went to Expo city!

It was fun!
But there was many cars.

Not that cars but...

This car.

This car is cooooool!
In expo city, there is many....


I went to a gym.
 The gym was called VS PARK !!!!

This was great!
This is a video.
This is fun!!!!
I loved the Panic cube.

If you come to VS park, you should do this.
And the most famous........


We must run faster than the animal.
If you are slower, game over.
If you are faster, you win.
I didn't do it.
But I did many things.

That's all for now.



This is a Oxford book.
The Robinson family will come.
We have many stories.
I love the difficult story.
There is a CD.
There are several stories.


The Gruffalo's Child

著者 : Julia Donaldson
Pan MacMillan
発売日 : 2016-04-21
The grufallo taught about the big bad mouse.
The Grufallo said to not go into the woods.
One snowy night the Graufallo's child went to the woods.
There was a trail.
It was the snake's trail.
He saw more trails.
It was the owl's trail.
There was a trail.
It was the fox's trail.
But lastly, it was a mouse.
The mouse climbed on a tree.
Out cam the moon.
A terrible shadow came down.
The the Grafallo's child ran.


Brain Teasers (Lonely Planet Kids)

This book is a puzzle game.
We must think and find a lot.
There is many puzzles like maze, quizzes, Sudoku and more!
I think you could do a family game.
It is difficult.
I like the quizzes.
Everything is fun.



This book is a english book.
It helps Japanese people to learn English.
This is how it works.

appear - disappear

We put dis in appear.
These are the daily words.

sleep - sleep less.

WE put less in sleep.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1 - Songbirds: Zak and the Vet

Jen said to Zak 'Sit down!' but Zak ran and ran.
Zak ran into the road.
A red van hit Zak.
Jen and Zak went to the vet.
He had ti get a jab but it will get better.
And Zak get better.


When I will be 3rd grade student....

I will be a 3rd grade student soon.
I am very exited and can't wait.
But 2nd grade and 1st grade was fun!
I think my class is 3-1.
I am looking forward who is the teacher.
When i be 3rd grade, I can learn science, and social studies and , play the recorder.
I am excited for that.
I am also excited for the new Kanjis.
And I  love P.E!
I will show you a list.

What do we do at 3rd grade



fraction, division,  Decimal. etc


Kanjis( Very difficult),  Alphabet, grammar, more difficult reading, How to use Japanese dictionary. etc


Social studies

how to interview, town exploring, shopping .etc



turn on the light, magnetic force, sun light, etc



Vaulting horse, relay, high jump, swimming (grade up) base ball game, dance etc.



recorder, rythme, melody, etc.


art and craft

grade up drawing,  grade up clay, etc.


moral education



class activity


That is all of the list.



Today, I will introduce Dotonbori.
It is one of the most famous tourist spot in Osaka
There are many flashy advertise meant neon like glico, yuki- jilushi, kaigan, chintai.
Dotonbori is the name of the canal, but now it means the area around the canal.
It is also famous for the good food.
There are many takoyaki stull and Japanese restaurant like crub restaurant, puff fish restaurant, okanomiyaki, ramen etc....
There are very crowded with many tourists.
In Dontonbori, tne sign boards are very unique and stand out.
Many of them are three dimensional.
They are interesting to see.
I like to go Dontonbori.


Where's Wally?

著者 : Martin Handford
Walker Books Ltd
発売日 : 2008-03-01
This is a finding book.
We must find Wally.
But there are many fun parts like in the airport, elephants are riding the jumbo jet.
There is Wally's friends too.
You can find it.
This is a mini book.
We have many stages too.
For example, an airport.
There is many series.
There is the big book too.



This is a country book.
It tells you countries.
It also tells capitals, languages and currency.
It also tells trivia.
It tells all of the country.
If you want to know about earth, you must buy this.
Or another english book with countries
Because it is a Japanese book.



This book is a traditional riddle book.
We must answer 2000 questions.
It was difficult.
We must fight the beast and take the book back.
It is thick.
Every riddle is difficult.
There is a little comic too.
I think it is good from 6 ~ 10.


ABC's (Charley Harper)

This book is for babies.
We learn the alphabets.
I think everyone will know fast.
There is a thing starts from the alphabet.
For example, A is for ape.
B is for bird.
And there is a picture next to the sentence.
This book is good because you can learn the words too.


Oxford Reading Tree: Look Out!

著者 : Roderick Hunt
Oxford University Press
発売日 : 2003-09-11
Kipper rides a kid bike.
Everyone was doing something.
But Kipper's bike was too fast so it went bang.
For example, Chip was painting but the kid bike was too fast so the paint go everywhere.
Everyone was a little cross.
Everyone had an idea.
They made a training stage and kipper could train.


I went to the Party room!

Today, I went to the Party room!
I went to my friend’s house.
When I came to the Party room, I played with the soccer game.
And the Japan team won.
I also watched TV.
It was a soccer TV.
When I was watching TV, Everyone was eating dinner.
After Dinner, I did Hide and seek and shogi and legos.
In hide and seek, I found everyone.
And I lose when I played Shogi.
In legos, I made a zoo.
There was many good ideas.
Then, I went outside.
I played with a rake.
And I played Splatoon in real life.
Then, we did Police and thief.
I was the police.
I catched everyone.
I was very glad.
It was time to go.
It was 10:00 pm.
I went back to my home and slept.
Thanks for reading this blog.



Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1: More First Words: Who Is It?

Every one dresses.
Can you know who is it?
Everyone looks different.
Some one did a cartwheel.
Do you know who it is?
I know all of the children.
I think you should dress and show what you can do.
Lastly, It was like....


Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1: More First Words A: Get Dad by Roderick Hunt (2008-01-10)

Biff, Chip and Kipper and Dad was playing with water.
The children get wet because Dad put water on the children.
But Mum saw what Dad did saw she put water on Dad from the second floor.
Dad got wet!
The children and Dad all get wet.
Only mom and Floppy didn't.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Stories: Nobody Wanted to Play

Wild was cross.
Nobody wanted to play.
He went to the park.
Wild played on a rocket, on the see saw, on the horse, on his bicycle, the ladder, on the wall and pretend to be a space man, juggler, cowboy, stuntman, fire man and spider man.
And lastly, he buys an ice cream and trips on Floppy and pretends Spider man was falling.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories B: The Chase

Floppy's basket was old so he wanted to get a new basket.
So Mum and Biff went to the market with Floppy and they got a new basket.
They went to the toilet.
While Floppy is staying, he saw a cat.
He chased it.
The cat jumped over the oranges.
The cat jumped over some plates.
The cat jumped over some clothes.
A man get the cat.
Everyone was cross with Floppy.
Mum and Biff came back.
She said "What a good dog!" because Floppy came back to the normal position.


I went to Daisen trip.

Hello guys!!
Do you know what I did yesterday?
I went to Tottori, Daisen!

I went to do snow boarding.
First,  I rode the bus.

I went from Nambo and arrived at Tottori, Daisen.
We could make a snow man.
Then, another bus came and took to a hotel.
There was much snow.
After the check in, I went to the room and went to snow boarding!
It was difficult but fun!
I went to the lift and slide!
And it was fun!
It was time.
I went back to the hotel and go to bath.
Then, we went to the buffet restaurant.
It was too yummy!
My tummy was full.
Then, we went back to the room and prepared to sleep.
We played Nintendo Switch and sleep.
I want to play snow boarding again.
I will ask Dad if I can go to snow boarding.


I went to the New year's visit to Shinto shrine

Hello guys!
Happy new year!
Are you happy?

Well, I went to the Shinto Shrine.
Osaka Tenmangu!

It was 12:00.
There was many people.
They were doing the count down.
I put the coin and pray.
Then, I went to the Japanese Shopping street.
I bought the Chocolate Banana.

It was yummy.
Also, I bought fried squid and fried corns.
It was yummy and fun.
But sleepy.
I go home and sleep.


Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: More Stories A: The Water Fight

Everyone was hot in the sun.
The children wanted to go swimming.
Because there is many cars, Dad said "No!"
So Biff got the padding pool.
Kipper filled with water.
Chip pushed Biff in the water.
He grabbed the hose and point to Kipper.
they had a water fight.
Mum got wet with the hose.
Dad got a bucket of water.
He chased Chip.
Dad threw the water at Chip.
Chip pointed the hose to the neighborhood.
The Neighbor hood was wet.


くれよんのくろくん (絵本・こどものひろば)

Every crayon was new so they were bored.
Then, yellow jumped out of the box.
He run and he saw a paper.
He draw butterflies.
He needed more things so he joined many crayons.
Everyone drew a great picture.
Black came.
Every crayon didn't want black to join.
Black was sad.
Everyone drew more things.
Then, sharp pen went to black.
He had a good idea.
He said the idea to black.
Everyone drew too much.
Everyone was mad.
Black colored black on the picture.
Every thing was clack.
Everyone was mad with black.
Then, sharp pen drew fireworks.
They were suprised.
Everyone was happy with black.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...