
くれよんのくろくん (絵本・こどものひろば)

Every crayon was new so they were bored.
Then, yellow jumped out of the box.
He run and he saw a paper.
He draw butterflies.
He needed more things so he joined many crayons.
Everyone drew a great picture.
Black came.
Every crayon didn't want black to join.
Black was sad.
Everyone drew more things.
Then, sharp pen went to black.
He had a good idea.
He said the idea to black.
Everyone drew too much.
Everyone was mad.
Black colored black on the picture.
Every thing was clack.
Everyone was mad with black.
Then, sharp pen drew fireworks.
They were suprised.
Everyone was happy with black.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...