
I met the dog.

Today, I want to introduce my. friends’s dog.
Do you know the name?
It is a quiz!
Choose 1 name.

A. Mame

B. Karu

C. Same

The answer is Mame!!!
It is a girl.
She is 3 years old.
But she is very crazy!
Very crazy.
And the dog’s owner is....
My aunt.
 When I open the cage, Mame runs around the room.
By the way, Mame is a Shiba dog.
She is very big.(And crazy)😂
And very cute.
And today, we went to the book store, and bought 3 books.
One about Pokemon, a Boss baby book and a Monster University.
And I found a Shiba dog game.
I thought it was perfect for my aunt.
Then I went to the Toy shop.
And my aunt find a good toy. for Mame.
So Mame should be very happy. and play with that toy.
And that was the 4th day of Taiwan.
See ya!!!!

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...