
The adventure of the Yukkuri #7

Tatsuki : I know all of the monster's ability.
Leo618 : Ok, say when we should slice.
Mikan and cowboys, Reimu is shooting with guns.
The monster howled!
Tatsuki : NOW! Slice!
Leo618 : Roger that!
Leo618 and Mitsuki, Mikazuki fly down from the helicopter and sliced the monster.
Moon slice!
Wasabi slice!
The slice of the BIG!
But the monster does not die.
How do Leo618 do?!
To be continued...


The adventure of the Yukkuri #6

-----Last episode----- 

??? : Hey! Nice to meet you!

Leo618 : Who are you?!

??? : Oh, sorry. I'm Mitsuki, This is Mikazuki, and the gun on the helicopter one is Tatsuki.

Leo618 : Ok, but that was amazing!

Mitsuki : I and Mikazuki want to fight with you. And adventure with you.

Leo618 : Oh, well that's great! How about Tatsuki?

Tatsuki : I need to do some work to do, so I'll go back to the base.

Leo618 : Roger that.

Mitsuki : So let's go!

Mikan : OK!

After some minutes... 

Leo618 : Walk, Let's go, let's adventure!

Mikazuki : Hmm.... There is something right there...

Reimu : What's that?

Leo618 : It moving. It should be a animal or something.

Mikazuki : Wait.... AHH!!!!

Leo618 : Tatsuki!

Tatsuki was almost dying, and barely moving.

Tatsuki : ........There....is....a.........dangerous..........monste......r......

Tatsuki died.

Mikazuki : Tatsuki.....Don't die!

Mitsuki : Oh man.......

Mikan : He said there is a dangerous monster right here....

Leo618 : And Tatsuki died....He is very strong but.....

Reimu : It should be a really dangerous monster......


Mikazuki : Hey, there is a helicopter, and some guns over there!

Leo618 : And there is the monster.......

Reimu : Let's get the guns and the helicopter first!


They get the helicopter and the guns.

Leo618 : After we made damage to the monster, me, Mikazuki, Mitsuki will slice with the katana. While doing that, Mikan, you will drive. Reimu, And the cowboys will fight with the guns!

??? : I... will also... fight!

Mikazuki : Tatsuki!

Leo618 : You were alive?! That's a relief!

Tatsuki : I.. was.... almost ....dying with that monster..... But..... It was just a little damage!

Leo618 : Ok, Tatsuki, drive this helicopter. Oh, Mikan, Tatsuki will drive so you heal. But when it is a pinch, you also fight! OK?

Mikan : Roger that.

Leo618 : Let's do this!

To be continued...


The adventure of the Yukkuri #5

 -----Last episode-----

Leo618 : There is many of them!

Mikan : What should we do?

Reimu : Kill!

Among us : RAAR!

Among us s gets guns, katana, and a sword.

Leo618 : I'll use the katana! Heal, Mikan!

Mikan : Roger that!

Reimu and cowboys are already fighting with guns.

Leo618 : Ok, I 'll go! The Uprising!

Leo618 sliced 5 Among us.

Leo618 : Wasabi attack! The sunrise! Moon slice!

Leo618 slices, but there is many among us left.

Mikan : I'll fight also! With the AKM!

Mikan killed 10 among us!

Reimu : Nice! Hey, I don't have bullets left!

Leo618 : Oh no!

Mikan : Use the MP5 that I found while walking!

Reimu : Thanks!

Leo618 : Oh, I don't have shields, Use the harmonica!

Mikan : OK!

Mikan used harmonica and everyones shield get better!

Leo618 : Thanks! That helped a lot!

But there is many Among us! 

Leo618 : What should we do...

??? : I'm right here! I can kill all of them!

??? came from the helicopter, and killed all of the among us.

Leo618 : Wh, who are you!?


??? : Hey! Nice to meet you!

Leo618 : Who are you?!

??? : Oh, sorry. I'm Mitsuki, This is Mikazuki, and the gun on the helicopter one is Tatsuki.

Leo618 : Ok, but that was amazing!

Mitsuki : I and Mikazuki want to fight with you. And adventure with you.

Leo618 : Oh, well that's great! How about Tatsuki?

Tatsuki : I need to do some work to do, so I'll go back to the base.

Leo618 : Roger that.

Mitsuki : So let's go!

Mikan : OK!

After some minutes... 

Leo618 : Walk, Let's go, let's adventure!

Mikazuki : Hmm.... There is something right there...

Reimu : What's that?

Leo618 : It moving. It should be a animal or something.

Mikazuki : Wait.... AHH!!!!

Leo618 : Tatsuki!

Tatsuki was almost dying, and barely moving.

Tatsuki : ........There....is....a.........dangerous..........monste......r......

Tatsuki died.

Mikazuki : Tatsuki.....Don't die!

Mitsuki : Oh man.......

Mikan : He said there is a dangerous monster right here....

Leo618 : And Tatsuki died....He is very strong but.....

Reimu : It should be a really dangerous monster......

To be continued...


The adventure of the Yukkuri #4

-----Last episode-----

Leo618 : Wow, beautiful!

Mikan : Nice lagoon, But there is many creatures...

Reimu : They are called "Among us". They are called Among us so the lagoon is called "Mongus Lagoon".

Mikan: That's why there is many monsters.

??? : Attack, Mongusers!

Mikan : What?!

Leo618: They attacked!Let's fight!


Leo618 : There is many of them!

Mikan : What should we do?

Reimu : Kill!

Among us : RAAR!

Among us s gets guns, katana, and a sword.

Leo618 : I'll use the katana! Heal, Mikan!

Mikan : Roger that!

Reimu and cowboys are already fighting with guns.

Leo618 : Ok, I 'll go! The Uprising!

Leo618 sliced 5 Among us.

Leo618 : Wasabi attack! The sunrise! Moon slice!

Leo618 slices, but there is many among us left.

Mikan : I'll fight also! With the AKM!

Mikan killed 10 among us!

Reimu : Nice! Hey, I don't have bullets left!

Leo618 : Oh no!

Mikan : Use the MP5 that I found while walking!

Reimu : Thanks!

Leo618 : Oh, I don't have shields, Use the harmonica!

Mikan : OK!

Mikan used harmonica and everyones shield get better!

Leo618 : Thanks! That helped a lot!

But there is many Among us! 

Leo618 : What should we do...

??? : I'm right here! I can kill all of them!

??? came from the helicopter, and killed all of the among us.

Leo618 : Wh, who are you!?

To be continued...


The adventure of the Yukkuri #3

 ---The last episode---

Leo618 : So this is "The Frontier"....
Mikan : It looks like western...
Leo618 : There is no people...
Mikan : Hey! There is a Saloon there!
Leo618 : Let's get. the guns.Maybe there is some enemies..
Mikan : Yeah. I'll get the AKM, you get the double guns.
Leo618 opened the saloon's door.
Leo618 : Psst! Hey, There. is many people! 
Mikan : Let's put down our guns! Hey, say something!
Leo618 : Uh.... Hey Everyone!

Reimu's bullet almost hitted Leo618's face.
Reimu : No chatting, Fight, or I will kill ya.
Leo618 : Ok... I'll "fuck" ya to...
Big fight began.

Leo618 reloaded the gun.
Leo618 : Are you going to die? If I pulled this trigger, your going to die cold!
Reimu : ...I am suprised with your powers, let's be teammates.
Leo618 : ......Good. But, there is a deal. No shooting each other. Deal?
Reimu : Deal.
Leo618 : Ok. Where should we go next?
Reimu : Hmm.... The Mongus Lagoon is the best.
Leo618 : Roger that. Let's go, cowboys!
Reimu and her cowboys : Let's go!
Mikan : LET'S DO THIS!


Leo618 : Wow, beautiful!

Mikan : Nice lagoon, But there is many creatures...

Reimu : They are called "Among us". They are called Among us so the lagoon is called "Mongus Lagoon".

Mikan: That's why there is many monsters.

??? : Attack, Mongusers!

Mikan : What?!

Leo618: They attacked!Let's fight!

To be continued...


The adventure of the Yukkuri #2

---The last episode---

Leo618 and Mikan was playing together...
But in the next second!

Leo618 : What!?
Mikan : What is happening, Leo618??
Leo618 : I ~ don't ~know~

Leo618 : So it means this is the nearest field to our town... Haha, We just warped right here. That's nothing!
Mikan : Oh no that is NO!!!!! There is many monsters right here!! I looks like we just "time warped"!!
Leo618 : OK, That means we need to fight!
Leo618 : Here we go, little monst−
Leo618 has being attacked by the monster!
Leo618 : Uh! That hurts, man!

Monster : You should go... to the Western place called... "The Frontier"... Oh... And I will give you 2 shield shakers and double gun and AKM, some resources and grenades, And thank me ok?
Leo618 : OK! Thank you very much! You are a really kind monster.
Monster : I will die after some seconds........ Uh..........
Leo618 : So the monster died...
Mikan : Let's go to "The Frontier".
Leo618 : LET'S GO!


Leo618 : So this is "The Frontier"....
Mikan : It looks like western...
Leo618 : There is no people...
Mikan : Hey! There is a Saloon there!
Leo618 : Let's get. the guns.Maybe there is some enemies..
Mikan : Yeah. I'll get the AKM, you get the double guns.
Leo618 opened the saloon's door.
Leo618 : Psst! Hey, There. is many people! 
Mikan : Let's put down our guns! Hey, say something!
Leo618 : Uh.... Hey Everyone!

But everyone didn't say something.
Mikan : Say something!
Then, someone speaks.
??? : Hey....Nice to meet you... I am Reimu, chief of this place, "Frontier".
Leo618 : Nice to .. meet you
Reimu : You look like you're not a western person. We should "fuck" that one.
Leo618 : WAIT Don't do it-
Reimu's bullet hit a glass.
Reimu : No waiting.
Mikan : We should fight her!
Leo618 : Ok.You heal-
Reimu's bullet almost hitted Leo618's face.
Reimu : No chatting, Fight, or I will kill ya.
Leo618 : Ok... I'll "fuck" ya to...
Big fight began.

Mikan and other western people hided.
Reimu reloaded the gun.
So as Leo618.
Reimu : You look strong now... I see with your eyes.
Leo618's eyes are blue.
Leo618 : No need to say that. I'm just saying stop this gun battle.
Reimu : After this gun battle.
Leo618 : OK...
Leo618 and Reimu are shooting each other and dodging each other.
Leo618 : Ok... This does not finish the match!
Reimu's bullet hitted Leo618's ear!
Leo618: Ouch!
Reimu : Now I will shoot your eyes.
Reimu reloaded and pulled the trigger----!
Someone kicked Reimu's gun!
Leo618 : Mikan! Thank you!
Reimu : .......
Leo618 reloaded the gun.
Leo618 : Are you going to die? If I pulled this trigger, your going to die cold!
Reimu : ...I am suprised with your powers, let's be teammates.
Leo618 : ......Good. But, there is a deal. No shooting each other. Deal?
Reimu : Deal.
Leo618 : Ok. Where should we go next?
Reimu : Hmm.... The Mongus Lagoon is the best.
Leo618 : Roger that. Let's go, cowboys!
Reimu and her cowboys : Let's go!
Mikan : LET'S DO THIS!

To be continued...


The adventure of the Yukkuri #1

_____This is the story of Leo618 and Mikan_____

Leo618 and Mikan was playing together...
But in the next second!

Leo618 : What!?
Mikan : What is happening, Leo618??
Leo618 : I ~ don't ~know~

And the story has began.
Leo618 and Mikan fell down.
Mikan : Are you OK, Leo?
Leo618 : Yeah, but look at this.It looks like a field...
Mikan : Maybe it is "The field of VR".

Leo618 : So it means this is the nearest field to our town... Haha, We just warped right here. That's nothing!
Mikan : Oh no that is NO!!!!! There is many monsters right here!! I looks like we just "time warped"!!
Leo618 : OK, That means we need to fight!
Leo618 : Here we go, little monst−
Leo618 has being attacked by the monster!
Leo618 : Uh! That hurts, man!
Mikan : I will use the "Mikan heal"!
Monster : Ha!I can win with those little mice!
Leo618 : Hide somewhere and use the harmonica! It is fast to use the "Mikan heal"!!
Mikan : Ok. But I don't have-
Mikan : A harmonica.
Leo618 : Fine. I will give you my harmonica. Use when my shield is almost off. You can make my shields increasing by 8 shields! I will leave it to you, Mikan harmonist!
Mikan : I KNOW THAT! Just fight with the monsters!
Leo618 : OK. Here I go again, The WASABI ATTACK!

Many wasabi appeared around the katana, And Leo618 sliced the monster's neck.
Monster : Oh... Why I did LOSE by those little mice...
Leo618 : Hey, monster. JUST TELL ME WHERE TO GO NEXT!
Monster : You should go... to the Western place called... "The Frontier"... Oh... And I will give you 2 shield shakers and double gun and AKM, some resources and grenades, And thank me ok?
Leo618 : OK! Thank you very much! You are a really kind monster.
Monster : I will die after some seconds........ Uh..........

Leo618 : So the monster died...
Mikan : Let's go to "The Frontier".
Leo618 : LET'S GO!

To be continued...


The whole introduction about the second season of...

 Hey guys!

Did you know that Population : One will update in May 13th?

Yeah! The Second season!!!

Pop 1 will add matadors like in the picture.
The ammos is shot gun ammos, and it we can shoot two guns in once.
The reload are really easy, I think you should just make the stick down.
And they will add new modes, deathmatch, it will be 6 vs 6 match. and the first team to kill 20 times win.
Shootout is a mode that you do with 6 vs 6 Elimination game in old west. First team to win 3 rounds win the match.
They also added a one handed flick to the DT11 and the Magnum.
The reload should be really easy now.
The katana is gone- I'm hoping that it will come back soon.
There are going to have two shield items - shield shaker and harmonica.
The shield shaker- you need to shake for a few seconds, then you drink, and you get 50 shields.
The harmonica makes your teammates recover others shields.
Play the harmonica with two people, the whole team's shield will get really fast.
There is a new battle pass, but I don't have the battle pass, so I will not really say about that.
Maybe sometime I will show you!
But there is many free ones...🧐
There is new maps, that is it really western, called Frontier.
Really western.
And you can shoot a barrel that is actually breaks!
There is a new feature in the private Room called browse, you can now search private rooms.

Uhh.... This is just A.
I was sad for the Mr.katana, but I am happy for the Mr.matador!

So, Bye!!!


Guinness World Records!


Today, I want to show you Number 1 in Guinness World Records!

1. Widest mouth 

The widest mouth is this person!

I will never going to stretch long!
If I do that, I will go die to hell!

2.  Largest working rifle

OMG That is A. M. A. Z. I. N.G!!!!!!!!

I lo-------------ve guns!(I never holded a real gun)

I love the game POPULATION:One!

3. Farthest Eyeball pop


That is a little scary....

But that is amazing!!

Maybe I should to the Guinness World Records.....


Widest mouth 

Widest mouth Widest mouth 


Among us Quiz answers!


Today, I want to show you the among us quiz answers!

1. B. Fix Wiring

2. D.Medbay or Security

3. 2018

4. D.Medbay



Among us Quiz!


Today, I want to show you a among us quiz!

1. From these tasks, which ones are common?

All maps have this task.

A.Prime shields B.Fix Wiring C. Put away pistols

2. If you vent in electrical, where can you go?(The Skeld)

A. Lower or upper engine B. Admin or Cafeteria C. Weapons or Shields D. Medbay or Security

3. When was this game first released?

Well, when? (I mistaken this)

 4. In what part of the Skeld map does a task tell you to "take a break"?

A.Cafeteria B. Navigations C. Admin D. Medbay



Among us update at PS4

 There is an update for PS4!!!!

Today, I will show you the updates for the PS4!

1. PS4 update

Many console has Correspondence Among us like switch.

Now, it is Correspondence with PS4!!!


2. More players

Among us was a game for 4 to 10, but now, we can play with 15 players in one lobby!

Now, we can play Among us with a different way!

3. New colors

Among us now can play 15 players, although there is less colors than the players.

Now, we can play with more colors such as peach.

4. New skins and hats and pets

Many skins and hats and pets are being boughten.

But they are going to add more of them!!!



Among us quiz answers!


Today, I will say the among us answers!!

1. 2 and 5

There is no map called DoraHQ or The Sebos.

2. 2 and 4

There is no skin called LHM, or hero. But there is Cyborg RHM, or right hand man.

3. 2 and 6

Yup, there is no task called fix robot, or collect ammos.

But I want those tasks!



Among us quiz!


Today, I will show you a quiz about among us!

 1. What is the map not in among us? Choose 2 of them.

1. Polus 2. DoraHQ 3. Airship 4. The Skeld 5. The Sebos

2. What is the skin not in among us? Choose 2 of them.

1. Military 2. Cyborg LHM 3. Cyborg RHM 4. Hero 5. Astronaut

3. What is the task not in among us? Choose 2 of them.

1. Swipe Card 2. Fix Robot 3. Develop Photos 4. Put away rifles 5. Submit Scan 6. Collect ammos


Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...