
The adventure of the Yukkuri #2

---The last episode---

Leo618 and Mikan was playing together...
But in the next second!

Leo618 : What!?
Mikan : What is happening, Leo618??
Leo618 : I ~ don't ~know~

Leo618 : So it means this is the nearest field to our town... Haha, We just warped right here. That's nothing!
Mikan : Oh no that is NO!!!!! There is many monsters right here!! I looks like we just "time warped"!!
Leo618 : OK, That means we need to fight!
Leo618 : Here we go, little monst−
Leo618 has being attacked by the monster!
Leo618 : Uh! That hurts, man!

Monster : You should go... to the Western place called... "The Frontier"... Oh... And I will give you 2 shield shakers and double gun and AKM, some resources and grenades, And thank me ok?
Leo618 : OK! Thank you very much! You are a really kind monster.
Monster : I will die after some seconds........ Uh..........
Leo618 : So the monster died...
Mikan : Let's go to "The Frontier".
Leo618 : LET'S GO!


Leo618 : So this is "The Frontier"....
Mikan : It looks like western...
Leo618 : There is no people...
Mikan : Hey! There is a Saloon there!
Leo618 : Let's get. the guns.Maybe there is some enemies..
Mikan : Yeah. I'll get the AKM, you get the double guns.
Leo618 opened the saloon's door.
Leo618 : Psst! Hey, There. is many people! 
Mikan : Let's put down our guns! Hey, say something!
Leo618 : Uh.... Hey Everyone!

But everyone didn't say something.
Mikan : Say something!
Then, someone speaks.
??? : Hey....Nice to meet you... I am Reimu, chief of this place, "Frontier".
Leo618 : Nice to .. meet you
Reimu : You look like you're not a western person. We should "fuck" that one.
Leo618 : WAIT Don't do it-
Reimu's bullet hit a glass.
Reimu : No waiting.
Mikan : We should fight her!
Leo618 : Ok.You heal-
Reimu's bullet almost hitted Leo618's face.
Reimu : No chatting, Fight, or I will kill ya.
Leo618 : Ok... I'll "fuck" ya to...
Big fight began.

Mikan and other western people hided.
Reimu reloaded the gun.
So as Leo618.
Reimu : You look strong now... I see with your eyes.
Leo618's eyes are blue.
Leo618 : No need to say that. I'm just saying stop this gun battle.
Reimu : After this gun battle.
Leo618 : OK...
Leo618 and Reimu are shooting each other and dodging each other.
Leo618 : Ok... This does not finish the match!
Reimu's bullet hitted Leo618's ear!
Leo618: Ouch!
Reimu : Now I will shoot your eyes.
Reimu reloaded and pulled the trigger----!
Someone kicked Reimu's gun!
Leo618 : Mikan! Thank you!
Reimu : .......
Leo618 reloaded the gun.
Leo618 : Are you going to die? If I pulled this trigger, your going to die cold!
Reimu : ...I am suprised with your powers, let's be teammates.
Leo618 : ......Good. But, there is a deal. No shooting each other. Deal?
Reimu : Deal.
Leo618 : Ok. Where should we go next?
Reimu : Hmm.... The Mongus Lagoon is the best.
Leo618 : Roger that. Let's go, cowboys!
Reimu and her cowboys : Let's go!
Mikan : LET'S DO THIS!

To be continued...

0 件のコメント:

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...