
The adventure of the Yukkuri #6

-----Last episode----- 

??? : Hey! Nice to meet you!

Leo618 : Who are you?!

??? : Oh, sorry. I'm Mitsuki, This is Mikazuki, and the gun on the helicopter one is Tatsuki.

Leo618 : Ok, but that was amazing!

Mitsuki : I and Mikazuki want to fight with you. And adventure with you.

Leo618 : Oh, well that's great! How about Tatsuki?

Tatsuki : I need to do some work to do, so I'll go back to the base.

Leo618 : Roger that.

Mitsuki : So let's go!

Mikan : OK!

After some minutes... 

Leo618 : Walk, Let's go, let's adventure!

Mikazuki : Hmm.... There is something right there...

Reimu : What's that?

Leo618 : It moving. It should be a animal or something.

Mikazuki : Wait.... AHH!!!!

Leo618 : Tatsuki!

Tatsuki was almost dying, and barely moving.

Tatsuki : ........There....is....a.........dangerous..........monste......r......

Tatsuki died.

Mikazuki : Tatsuki.....Don't die!

Mitsuki : Oh man.......

Mikan : He said there is a dangerous monster right here....

Leo618 : And Tatsuki died....He is very strong but.....

Reimu : It should be a really dangerous monster......


Mikazuki : Hey, there is a helicopter, and some guns over there!

Leo618 : And there is the monster.......

Reimu : Let's get the guns and the helicopter first!


They get the helicopter and the guns.

Leo618 : After we made damage to the monster, me, Mikazuki, Mitsuki will slice with the katana. While doing that, Mikan, you will drive. Reimu, And the cowboys will fight with the guns!

??? : I... will also... fight!

Mikazuki : Tatsuki!

Leo618 : You were alive?! That's a relief!

Tatsuki : I.. was.... almost ....dying with that monster..... But..... It was just a little damage!

Leo618 : Ok, Tatsuki, drive this helicopter. Oh, Mikan, Tatsuki will drive so you heal. But when it is a pinch, you also fight! OK?

Mikan : Roger that.

Leo618 : Let's do this!

To be continued...

0 件のコメント:

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...