
Bear in Underwear.

Bear in Underwear

Soccer was the bear's favorite sport.
His team was the Red devils.
He always wear his lucky white underwear when he plays it.
Today was the big match against Blue jays.
It was rainy.
The score was 0 - 0.
They passed each other and when Hedgy passed to bear, bear dribbled and he was ready to shoot but  he didn't look in the ground and the ground was mud so he slip.
It was Additional time so the referee blowed his whistle.
It was time over and a tie game.
Everyone was covered in mud.
Nobody won and lost.
After the big game, bear was tired.
His underwear was dirty so he cleaned it.
The next day, when bear comes, his underwear was not white.
He mistakenly wore pink underwear.
The Blue jays teased him.
So when the game starts, they passed each other again.
The ball comes to Hedgy and missed and the ball comes to bear.
When the ball comes to bear, Blue jays teased again.
Bear zig to the left and right.
When he comes in front of the goal, he takes a breath and closed his eyes and he kick as fast as the rocket ship and bear scored a goal.
And it was time over.
Red devils won.
The blue jays think about "Maybe pink is lucky".
So the next day, the team's name was not Red devils.
It was Pink devils.
Because pink is cool and lucky.


That's all for today.
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