
About Tomica.

Today I will talk about Tomica.
 Tomica is a big world.
It has many different types of cars.
If you buy buildings and roads and cars and persons,  you can make a Tomica world.
There is a Tomi-ca Animation.
There is Prarail, too.
Please look at the link.
Let's go back to Tomica.
I love Tomica.
Do you love Tomica?
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love Tomica.


About Legos.

Today I will talk about Legos.
Legos are small blocks that can stick together.
There is Duplo.
Duplo is used for babies from1 - 3 years old.
Please look at these links.
There are many types of Legos, right.
There are leveling up.
You can make anything you want.
You can also make a person.
I made Mc.Donalds with my father.
Are you a good Lego maker?
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love Legos!


I will go to many places.

Today I will go to many places.
Today is a special day.
It is no school because I went to Sports day yesterday.
After this blog and my mother's laundry, I will go outside with my mom.
It is going to be fun!
I will play soccer in the park.
I will play penalty kick with my mother.
I will kick very strong when the penalty kick starts.
I will wear soccer clothes and a head band.
I have things to bring.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because it is fun today!


Today I did Sports day.

I was mortified

Today I did Sports day.
Today the white team won the ball toss.The red team lost.
I was mortified.
But it was a good score.
Next time I will win.

About track racing

I was the 2nd in the track racing.
My friends Tatsuki and Rikuto are 2nd, too.
My friends Takumi and Leonald are the 1st.


I looked at the program.
I cheered the players entered from the entrance gate.

The dance!

I tried the dance very hard.
I enjoyed the dance.
The dance was difficult.
I used the fan, head band and wrist bands.

That's all for today.

About Sports day.

Today I will join Sports day.
My father and mother come to Sports day.
It is a little bit earlier for me to arrive at school.🏫
The Sports day's preparation has been done.
I will be the 1st in the track racing.🏃🏻
And I want my friend, Tatsuki be the 1st,  too.
I want to win the ball toss.
I will go on foot.🚶
And I want to try the dance hard.
It was a special day today.
Next time, I want a more special day.
It was fun!
That's all for today.


About Prince of tennis.

About Prince of tennis.
Prince of tennis is a tennis animation.
Here is the link.
There is many characters, right.
There are Ryoma, Fuji, Inui, Tezuka, Atobe, Eiji, Oishi, Kawamura, Kabaji, Momoshiro, Kaidoh  things like that.
Ryoma can do many techniques.
For example a twist serve.
It is a video.
Ryoma's team's name is Seigaku.
In the finals, they will try to beat Rikkadai.
It must be hard for them.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I can watch Prince of tennis today.


It is fun!

It is fun today!
I can go to school, I can play with my friend, I can go to Doremi, I love my new school uniform, things like that.
It is fun!
I love things, too.
I love PPAP, I love fried noodles.
What do you like?
Is it fun for you today?
That's all for today.
I felt happy because it is fun today.


About word chain.

Today we will do word chain.
Let's start!
If the word ends with n, you lost.
wall - left - truck - kite - elephant - taxi - igloo - ostrich - hat - tongue - egg - gum - mother - rabbit - tail - lamb - basket ball - lemur - race - enter - rain coat - tiger - recipe - El clasico - olympic - class - snake - eel - La Liga - apple - eggplant - tan.
The N!
You can try this game.
Did you love this game?
I want to try again.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love word chain.


About soccer.

Let's continue the quiz.
9.Gamba Osaka is in _____.
1.J league
2.Premier league

10.True or False : When it starts from a penalty kick, it is yellow card.
2. False

11.You can _____ the ball to your teammates.
2. pass
3.roll with your hands

Here are the answers.
1. 2
2. 2
3. 3
4. 3
5. 2
6. 1
7. 2
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 2

That's all for the quiz.
You can try the quiz.
I felt happy because I will play soccer today.


About soccer.

Let's continue the quiz.
4._____ is in Barcelona.

5.Real Madrid is the rival of ______.
1.Manchester city

6.There is _____ and ______ in J League.
1.Cerezo Osaka
2.Real Madrid

1.Machester United
2.Ganba Osaka

True or false : You can kick the ball with your feet.

That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love quizzes.
The answers are on the next part. 


About soccer.

Today I will talk about soccer.
In soccer we don't use hands.
In each team, there are 11 players.
In the match, there are 22 players.
The goal keeper can only use his hand.
If he has a glove, he is a goal keeper.
There is one goal keeper in each team and two goal keepers in the match.

Here is a quiz.
1.When the ball goes out of the side line, it starts from a ___ in.
1. penalty
2. throw
3. dribble

2.True or False : 
You can push or strike to your opponent.

3.When your opponent scores a point, it starts with a ___.
1.goal kick
2.corner kick
3.kick off

That's all for today.
 I feel happy because I love soccer.


About cars.

About cars.
I love cars.
There are many types of cars.
We have work cars.
They work for the world.
When the cars moves, there is a person in there.
Can the car moves by itself?
Absolutely not!
The cars DON'T moves by it self.
But yes, the cars moves when someone is turning the handle.
Do you know the disadvantages and the advantages of driving a car?
Do you know the dangerous thing of driving a car?
You must master to drive a car.
I can't drive a car because we didn't go to a car school.
But my father and my mother can because he went to a car school.
I don't know the name.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love cars.


It is fun!

Today it is fun!
I can go to the elementary school.
It is sunny.
I can do my favorite subjects.
I donated my money.
I can play in the school ground with my friend.
I can play with ball.
I can play in the jungle gym.
I have my goalie glove.
I love goalie glove's brand and color.
Today I have many fun things!
Is it fun for you today?
That's all for today.
I felt happy because it is fun today.


About Fruity Juice.

Today I will talk about Fruity Juice.
Fruity Juice is a Juice.
I love it because it is healthy.😍
Every morning when I drink the Fruity Juice, it gives me energy.
It makes me cheerful.
When I arrive at school, I am energetic!
You should drink Fruity Juice, too.
It has 29 types of food in a mixture.
There are 10 fruits and 19 vegetables.
I can refresh when I drink that.
There is a producer that is called Kagome.
I want to drink again.
That's all for today.
 I felt happy because I love Fruity Juice!😁😍


I played soccer.

Today I played soccer.⚽️
Juego Bonito was at Sakuranomiya park.🌸
I went by bike.🚴🏻
I ran 10 laps.
I did lifting and lifting pass.
I was the vice - captain.
When the match starts, the referee blows the whistle.
The match was tied with yellow vs red.🌕🔴
I was in the yellow team.🌕
I tried my best.
I did lifting.
The red team won.🔴
My mother said "You tried hard."
I was happy.😁
It was fun!😊
That's all for today.
I felt happy because my couch said "You tried your best!"😁


Today I went to long ride.

Today I went to long ride.
The distance was 56.4.
We climbed a few slopes but we didn't climbed a mountain.
We rested a lot.
We went to a lot of convinence stores.
So we used a lot of moneys.
It was far.
My father told me a new technique.
I was almost at my limit.
I kept 15 or 14 or 16 or 13 speed.
I went to Tenmabashi.
I went to Mc.Donalds.
We took out.
I chose Happy set.
I chose the Dragon ball.
It was yummy.
That's all for today.
I felt tired because I pedaled to much.


On the way to school, I met my friend.

Today on the way to school, I met my friend.
I met near Family Mart.
His name is Daiki.
He is 8 years old.
Today he went to a field trip.
Maybe I was early.
But today is Thursday.
Friday and Thursday Daiki will not come.
I don't know why.
We spoke in Japanese while we are walking.
Daiki will go to the 7th floor and I will go to the 3rd floor.
When I went to the 7th floor, I saw Daiki again.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I met Daiki.


A new refrigerator came to our house.

A new refrigerator came to our house.
It was super cool.
It had 6 doors in the refrigerator.
That's really cool.
In Japan, there is a little of space but there is many area's for the foods.
For example = the ice area on the right.
I love it!
Do you love it?
We have a scoop for the ice.
We have the freezer on the bottom.
We rented the other refrigerator.
It is clean.
We have buttons on the front of the refrigerator.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love my refrigerator.


I went to field trip.

Today I went to field trip.
I went with my elementary school friends.
We went to Tennoji zoo.
We went by train.
We took a train from Minamimorimachi to Dobutsuen-mae.
There were teachers, too.
It was fun!
My teacher took some pictures.
There were wolfs, koalas, giraffes, tiger etc. wanted to see the lion.
I could watch the lion.
We ate  bento and I could sit on the picnic seat.

 That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love the field trip.

I planted morning-glory.

Today I planted morning-glory.
The morning-glory didn't grow.
We had small seeds and seeds.
The service man prepared the soil near the iron bar.
It had 10 or 14 scoops in the soil.
We had a bucket, a bottle, seeds & small seeds.
There were 7 seeds and many small seeds.
From tomorrow, I must come earlier than now.
And Monday and maybe Friday I must come more earlier!
Do you know why?
Because I must plant the morning-glory.
And because I must do the marching and I must plant the morning glory.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because I love morning.


I went to Nara by bike.

I went to Nara

Today I went to Nara by bike.(road bike)
I didn't watch the deers.
We just went to Nara and then go back to Osaka.
Before we went to Nara, I went to a convenience store.
The name of the convenience store was 7-11.
I brought a sunglass, helmet and a cycling glove.
I wore soccer shirts and racing pants.

I climbed the steepest mountain

Today on the way to Nara, there was a very steep mountain.
I stoped many times.
I could pedaled just like 50 seconds or 2 minutes.
It was the steepest mountain ever.
My father said the mountain is steep just like me.
I did dancing because it was steep.
There were many cyclists.
They were fast.
Some of them cheered me.
There were no children.
I was a only child on the mountain.
I changed to my lightest gear.
I was tired.
I was almost at my limit.
At the peak, I took a rest.

That's all for today.
I felt happy because I reached to the peak.


I did many things.

I learned  Programing(many)

Today I did many Python courses.
Python is a language.
It was difficult so I went back to the 1st course.
The first course was a little difficult.
But I tried.
My father taught me.
I want to make a game with Python one day.

I went to Grand Front

I went to Grand front Osaka.
Grand Front was big!
I went to Grand Front Osaka to program.
I went to a program class.
I went with my father and mother.
I finished Moana and Minecraft.
When I finished, a certificate comes out.
I love the Minecraft the best.
It was a public program class.
We did Ice breaking.
We played with Legos.
If you make the highest tower, that team is the winner.
We just competed.
There were 7 persons in each team.
I was in the A team.
A team won.
So we won!


We ran a lot.
We ran without stopping.
The distance was 5.4
I ran 5 kilometers and 40 meters without stopping!
I succeeded!
Now my request is run and win my father when I be 8 or 9 years old without stopping.
I ran 1 lap around Osaka castle.
My leg hurt now.
But tomorrow, it will be better and I can go to the soccer club.
And tomorrow I will run 10 laps around the soccer club.
From now on, when I go to the soccer club, I will run like today.

That's all.
I felt happy because tomorrow I can go to my soccer club.


I went to my grandmother's house.

Today I went to my grandmother's house.
Because it is child's day tomorrow.

I did Uno

I played with uno today.
I was the 4th.
I had no lucky card except reverse and full color card.
I got the luckiest card.
It was fun!
My cousin's father won.
My grandmother lost.
We did two times.
I want to do again.

I played with clay

I played with clay, too.
We had a magnet.
We can stretch it, tear it, bounce it and even melt it.
Also, stick to the magnet.
We have 3 clays.
If you make it small, it will bounce better.
I made a new idea at my grandmother's house.
My idea is to roll the clay.
It is fun.
Later, I will show an example to my father.
My cousin has the same one.
We played together.

I played soccer

I played soccer.
We went to the park
First of all, we passed the ball.
I did back kick.
We did 30 or 40 times.
Then, we swang on the swing.
After I swang, I did PK with my mother.
Then, I did PK with my cousin.
We did tennis.
First, I tried with my mother.
Then, I tried with my cousin.
My grandmother and grandmother's sister came.
Then, when the match ends, I went back to my grandmother's house.

That's all for today.
I felt happy because I went to my grandmother's house.


I went to some places


First I went to Maishima by bike.
We went to convenience store to take a rest.
I bought Anpan.
Anpan is a bread with red beans inside.
It is brown.
It is sweet.
I love it.
There was a bridge on the way to Maishima.
The bridge was long and high.
I took the ferry boat across the river with a bike.
It was fun!

Tennoji Zoo

After I went to Maishima, I went to Tennoji zoo.
I learned many animals.
For example, I didn't know that there were bears in Japan and Malaysia.
Some birds live in the water.
There are many types of birds.
I learned them.
I took a pictures.
We had a map.
I went with my father.
I looked at the binocular to see the animals.
We went to the African zoo and I forgot one more.

Shaved ice

Later, I will go where the shaved ice is.
I didn't eat shaved ice for a while.
It is going to be yummy......
It will be fun!



Today I went to Doremi.

Introducing Doremi

Doremi is in Nagahoribashi.
We have Doremi in the 7th floor and 3rd floor.
We speak English all day.
The Pre-K and Kinder stay in the 3rd floor and Pre-school, Toddler and Nursery stay in the 7th floor.
After we eat snack, We change the floors.
We have different subjects like Mini soccer, Park, Birthday party, Science, Art, Height and weight, stuff like that.

Few kids today

Today the bus was a little slow.
I don't know why.
In the bus, there were 3 kids.
That's a few!
We talked each other.
Sometimes he was laughing.
He loves types of cars.
I saw a fire truck and he smiled.
There were few of kids but it was fun!

I played games!

I played games in Doremi. 
A super hero appeared.
It was about the super hero can do.
He can hide, swim, climb, run, cook, fly & jump.
My friend, Natsumi won.
My friend, Daiki was the 2nd place.
There was no 3rd place.
We had 3 different types of games.
I remember one.
It is Domino game.
If you want to win, you must put all the cards on the table.

That's all for today.
I felt happy because I loved the Domino game.
See you!!!!!
Have a nice Golden week!


I did soccer.

Today I did soccer.⚽️
I was the captain today.
I was in the red captain.🔴
The number of my bib was 9.𝟗
I decided the member's  position.
When the match starts, I tried 92%.
I did heading.
The score was 2-2.
If it was real, after the match, we should do PK.
We had a Free kick.
My opponent stepped on my wrist but there was no Free kick.
I did no look pass.
That's all for today.
I felt happy because on Sunday, I will go to my soccer club.😁⚽️

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...