
I will do game and I will go to my grandmother's house tomorrow.

I will do game with my father.

I will do game with my father.
The game is called "Cities : Sky lines".
But I think I cannot do because it is broken.
Never mind, I will tell you.
You must make a big city.
If you get many people, you can get more places or transport.
And you must get many dollar bills.
My father got many places.
Do you want to do that game?

I will go to my grandmother's house.

I will go to my grandmother's house.
And my cousin will come, too.
We will have lots of fun.
Then, we will help my grandmother.
And I will get "otoshidama" there.
Do you want to come with me?
I wrote a schedule for today and tomorrow.
I'm feeling excited because we will have lots of fun!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I am sick!

I am sick today!
You know what, I throat up and I had a stomach ache.
I throat up and had a stomach ache from yesterday.
It was the sickest day ever. 
And I think tomorrow will ........ 
get well!
And I am sick now!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did soccer.

Today I did soccer.
Today I did only with my mother.
I practiced many things.
We practiced dribble, hand dribble, hand dribble struggle, running competition, ball break, ball touch, ball rolling and struggle.
What practice can you do and what practice was the best?
Do you want to be a soccer player?
I am already a soccer player.
Almost I will do soccer!
Oh, and I forgot to say that.
What sport in 2016 Rio do you like?
I like the archery.
I felt excited because I could watch Super Mario at home.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did art.

Today I did art lesson.
Today we maked folding pictures.
Do you know how to do?
First, you draw a picture (small).
Then, you open the paper and conect what you draw.
Then, if someone open the paper, It is still connecting!
We used = paper and markers.
I felt happy because I ate curry and rice.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


Today I did a mini soccer

Today I did mini soccer.
It was my 2nd favorite sport.
I saw bombs so I avoid and shoot in the goal with an in-step-kick.
I told to my friend Bruce about the great shot.
Maybe I was the first great shotter.
Do you know why?
Because I am practicing soccer every Saturday.
The soccer teacher told me.
First, we did hand Janken with the soccer teacher.
Then we changed a little bit.
We did feet Janken.
Then, we played a game.
The game is = Don't be close from the white tiger.
Do you know who is the white tiger?
It is the soccer teacher!
Do you know why you don't be close from the soccer teacher?
Because he is going to bite you!
I'm feeling happy because tommorow, a visitor will come to my house.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


We did Craft.

Today we did craft instead of cooking.
Today's teacher was Mr.Jason.
On craft, we made a 2017 calender.
I drew a soccer court.
We took a picture with a chicken mask, too.
Do you know why?
Because next year will be a year of chicken.

Oh, By the way, I had 15 learning papers today.
That's a lot, don't you agree?
It means I learned a lot.
Do you want to be like that?
I felt happy because I ate school snack.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I saw a city.

Today I saw a city.
The city's name was called "Kokeshi no oka".
I saw 2 trains.
One was JR and the other one was eiden line.
It has a morter.
The picture is like this.
There are many trees, right?
What else you can find?
Of course, there are houses and shops.
There is a car also.
And I can see a railroad crossing.
Can you see the mountains.
I will show you the next picture.
What can you see?
I saw a cherry blossom.
And two people.
2 benches.
So do you know what place is it?
Of course, it is a park.
And also a train is very fast.
Do you know what type of train is it?
It is eiden line!
If you saw everything, it is like a real city.
I felt exited because I played a lot with my mother's friends.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!!


It's Christmas eve!

It's Christmas eve!
Santa Clause will give me a present.
What do you want for Christmas?
I want a Pokemon Lego.
I had an idea.
Let me tell you.
The idea is : You buy Jack in the box.Then you put on your table.Then Santa Clause will open the box and then Jack comes out of the box.
Then Santa Clause will be surprised!
When I hear a noisy sound from the living room and I can see Santa!
Then I put head band on Santa's eyes.
Then I will take all the toys from Santa!
That's the idea!
Today I will eat cake.
Lucky for me!
I'm feeling happy because Santa will give me a Present.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


Today I did Christmas Recital.

Today I did Christmas Recital.
I saw my  friends.
Some friends came earlier than me and other kids came later.
First, me and my friends Bruce and and Miyuri introduced an important speech and Miyuri said the first program.
The first program was Rocking' around the Christmas tree by Kinders.
Then I said the next program.
The program was Rudolph the red nose reindeer by toddler and nursery class.
Some of them were crying.
Next program was Wake me up by Pre-K class.
Next program was Jingle bells by Pre-school class.
I saw a kid crying.
Next program was Silent night by after and Kinder class.
Next program was Pump it by Saturday (Big kids) and Kinder class.
Next program was (Bon Baiser de Fort de France) by Kinder and Pre-K class.
Next program was a surprise.
Do you know what surprise was it?
It was PPAP!
After that, it was I want a hippopotamus for Christmas by Kinder, Pre-K and Pre-school.
After that program, the teachers danced Jingle bells.
After Jingle bells, it was the last program We wish you  a merry Christmas.
After that, Santa gave me some presents.
I was excited because I played with Bruce.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!!


I did Rehearsal.

Today I did Rehearsal.
Today we did at school.
The Pre-schools and the toddler and the nursery class came to the 3rd floor.
Today I didn't do PPAP.
I just introduce Rudolph the red nose reindeer by toddler and nursery class.
I'm excited for tomorrow because it is Christmas Recital.
It will be a great show for tomorrow!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did Rehersal.

Today I did Rehersal.
We went to a hall near my school.
There were 3 floors.
One is a library.
Another is a Sports Court.
The hall was on the 1st floor.
We practiced many songs.
We practiced Silent Night, Pump it!, Rokin' around the Christmas tree, (Bon Baiser de fort de France), I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas & PPAP!
We have other songs.
We have Jingle bells by teachers, Wake me up by Pre-K class, Jingle bells by Pre-school, Rudolph the red nose reindeer by Toddler and Nursery class & Up on the Housetop.
After all the songs, Santa Clause will give present to every kids.
And also the Kinder kids will introduce the next program, First program or last program.
I will introduce Rudolph the red nose reindeer and PPAP!
Oh, and Christmas Recital is the 23rd of December.
It is the day after tommorow!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


My home.

Today I will talk about my home 🏠.
We have a kitchen in the living room, a sink in a bath room, toilet, my room, my father and mother's bed room, and Balcony.
We have many things.
For Example ball, fish tank, globe, dinning table, chairs, table, backpack, speaker, slippers, frying pan, pot, refrigerator, soccer ball and trash bin.
What do you have at your home?
I am in an apartment.
I am living in the 20th floor.
My home tag is 2007.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


Santa Claus will come!

Almost Santa Clause will come.
I want a Lego Pokemon.
I like Lego.
What about you?
In Pokemon, we have Team Rocket and Ash, Brock & Misty.
Team Rocket are the Bad guys & Ash and Misty and Brock are the nice kids.
Do you like Pokemon?
Pikachu is a Pokemon.
Pikachu is a good Pokemon.
Pikachu is cute, too.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did Science.

Today I did Science.
We talked about Volcanoes.
Today's Science was quite short.
We used Mentos, coke, bottle and a box.
First, get a paper and cover the bottle.
Then, put coke in the bottle.
Next, get a box.
Finally, open the cap and put the Mentos.
I felt happy because Science is fun.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did Dance & Music.

Today I did Dance & Music.
Before that, I danced "Pump it" with the Japanese Assistant.
Then, the Dance teacher came.
We did the Dance.
After the Dance, I danced "Pump it" with the Dance teacher but the Dance teacher didn't know how to dance.
After "Pump it", the Pre-K danced "Wake me up"with the Japanese assistant and the Dance teacher.
And on Japanese lesson, I sang "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" with the Japanese teacher.
I am tired because I danced too much!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did art lesson.

Today I did art lesson.
I made a 3-D card.
I designed the snowman and the Christmas tree.
My teacher cut the snowman's mitten, star for a Christmas tree & a sleigh.
We used glue, origami, 3-D card, snowman and Christmas tree paper & crayons.
First, take a 3-D card.
Then, take snowman and Christmas tree paper.
Then, design it with the crayons and origami.
Finally, glue the snowman and Christmas tree paper.
Maybe you can make it.
I felt happy because I like art lesson.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did P.E

Today I did P.E lesson.
We played in the jungle gym before the P.E. teacher came.
My friend Eitaro will catch me & my friend Bruce, so we had to run.
Then, Bruce and I saw the P.E teacher so we said to the teacher.
We sat down against the wall.
Then, we stand up and do some warm up.
Then, I did iron bar, summersault & jump hoops.
After we did P.E, we played at the jungle gym for  5 minutes.
That is for only Tuesday.
Do you want to be like that everybody?
I felt happy because I played over there.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


About Fire and Drill.

Today my teacher talked about the procedures for "Fire & Earthquake Drill".
For example = On Earthquake, put on the soft earthquake hat to protect your head.
You must go down the stairs and you must sit down while you are going downstairs.
There are many rules.
 For Example = Don't run.
Actually, we didn't do Fire & Earthquake Drill.
Instead of Fire & Earthquake Drill, we did Rehearsal for Christmas Recital.
The Christmas Recital will be next week on Dec.23rd.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did soccer.

Today I did soccer with my father.
I did at the park.
We did from 4:00 (Afternoon) to 6:00 or 5:00 (Night).
It was cold but I got warm because I worked a lot.
Today I tried many things.
For Example = warm up, hand dribble, dribble, ball touch, pass, kick & ball competition.
What did you do today?
My mother bought me a Sport drink.
It was called Pocari Sweat.
Do you know Pocari Sweat?
Do you like Pocari Sweat?
I was happy because I like soccer.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I went Mc.Donalds with my father.

Today I went Mc.Donalds with my father.
The Mc.Donalds was in Tenmabashi.
I got a Happy set.
I ate Cheese Burger, French fries and I drank Qoo.
I saw 2 toys.
It was a card and a toy train.
Do you know Dragon Quest and Prarail?
I know.
My father said "Open the 2 packages after the soccer game."
I said "Can we go to the restaurant?" to my father.
It was right.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did French lesson.

Today I did French lesson.
First, we talked about Ratatouille.
We sang the hello song in French.
We sang the body parts (face only), too.
Then we sang the age song in french.
Today we didn't sing a Christmas song.
We did writing, too.
We wrote about foods.
We had to write the word in the box.
Then, we must write I like or I don't like in French.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


Computer program work shop.

Today I attended to the computer program workshop at apple store Shinsaibashi.
I saw BB-8.
And I saw a man controlling BB-8.
But the real BB-8 is bigger.
It was cool.
Have you ever watch StarWars?
I never watch.

Then, there was a program called "Hour of Code".
I saw a character called Moana.
Have you watched that movie?
I didn't watched that movie.
Maybe everybody don't know because that movie is on theater in 2017.
That code is fun because there are many series.
There are like Baymax, Elsa and Anna, things like that.
First, you drag the block to a space.
And then, you press run and you'll find if it's corect or not.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


Birthday party and Cooking.

On birthday party and Cooking, I don't bring my snack.
After Cooking lesson and Birthday party, the Japanese assistant will ask to us "Do you want to eat school snack or your own snack".
If some kids don't know English, Maybe the Japanese assistant will say in Japanese.
On December 8th and 26th I don't need to bring my snack because on December 8th, it's Birthday party and on December 26th, it's Cooking lesson.
And the 8th of December is the day after tomorrow!
Tomorrow, I don't ride the bus!
Lucky for me!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I did height and weight measurement.

Today I did height and weight measurement.
Girls must take of their pants and T-shirt but keep 1 T-shirt on.
And boys must take everything except underwear.
I did fast because I didn't want my friend look at me for a long time.
After the measurement, we have Ethics lesson.
I was chosen up to tell everybody what we should do.
For example = Eat the food properly.
Do you know what "Eat the food properly"means?
It means don't waste the food, don't play with your food, don't drop the foods on purples.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


I went Kids Plaza with Bruce.

Today I went to Kids Plaza with Bruce.
We saw many balls rolling and I saw a crow and a golfer and a painter.
We spoke English.
Bruce's father and Bruce's mother, my father and my mother were there, too.
Then we went up with the elevator but before that,  I saw a picture and if you move, the picture is going to change.
Then, we took the elevator to the 5th floor.
There were many fun things.
There were ball slider, about bubbles, body parts, American foot ball game, wheel chair to a train, about insects and sea animals, water falling machine, globe language machine, top and a miniature town.
On the 4th floor,  there were kids street, climbing wall, net scary bridge, baby area and a long slide, so we slide down the slide.
I did all what I said.
I like the kids street the best.

We had a lunch with Bruce, too.
It was yummy.
Then my tummy was full.

We started playing again.
Then we took a rest.
My father said you can play for 10 more minutes.
We played with the water (not real).
Then my father was trying to catch Bruce and me,  so we went to a high place and rest and then I heard "Finish" from Bruce's father.
Then we said "Good bye to each other.
In the night with my father and mother,  We were hungry.
We went to a restaurant.
Then I slept.
Then I was full again!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


About Soccer.

Today I did soccer.
It was fun because I did very well.
Do you want to watch my soccer?
My father told me how to get the ball.
When the game starts, I chased the the ball and kick the ball in the goal with my knee.
My team 3 points.
Today the couch said "You are good at dribbling with your feet".
I was happy because my feet is strong.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!


About Chistmas.

It is almost Christmas!
There are 23 days until Christmas.
I want a 3DS game & a Lego.
I like Christmas.
Do you like Christmas?
I want to see Santa Clause fliying in the sky with the reindeers.
Do you want to see, too?
Maybe I like Christmas the best.
I want Christmas to be fast.
On Christmas, The Santa Clause is busy because he must go to many houses.
Did you know Santa had a company?
I am excited because it is almost Christmas.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...