
I did art.

Today we did art lesson.
Today we drew nest, acorn and leaves.
We used colors and paint.
For the nest, we used brush and brown mixed with orange paint.
For the acorn, we used crayon.
For the leaves, we used paint.
First we must make a big oval with brown mixed with orange paint, then we must spread out the brown mixed with orange paint with the brush.
When you finish that, you must let it dry.
If it is dry already, you can draw the acorns.
After that, you can paint the leaves green.
The table and we were dirty with the paint because we used a lot of things.
The floor was dirty, too.
But the teacher wipe it so it was OK.
It was fun !!!!!
I felt happy!!!!!!!!!!
Good-bye everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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