
We had BBQ and baseball with my father's office friends.

Last Saturday, I had BBQ and played baseball with my father’s office friends.
I had BBQ and played baseball in Ryokuchi Koen (Park).

I had BBQ.

Last Saturday, I had BBQ.
I ate sausage, Japanese pears and fried noodles.
They were yummy!
I want to eat them one more time.
Do you like BBQ?
I like BBQ.

After BBQ, I played baseball.

After that, I played baseball.
The very fun part was to win a homerun.
It went a little bit far.
I wanted to win 10 more times.
It was difficult to bat a ball but my father told me how to hit well.
Do you like baseball?
I like baseball.
I felt excited last Saturday.
Good-bye everybody!!!!!!

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