
I did gradution ceremony!

Graduation Ceremony

Today for graduation ceremony I sang A beautiful day, Sakura, Carpenters’ song.
I did 2 speeches, one is Cleo & the box, and another is the graduation’s speech.
Today my grandmother came to the graduation ceremony.
The graduation ceremony was at where we went to the Christmas recital.
After the graduation ceremony, I played balloons with Bruce, then ate a big cake.
I gave a colourful fake flower to my mother.

My Grandmother

On the afternoon I ate egg sushi & salmon roll & salad roll with my grandmother.
My grandmother came to my place to see my LEGO city & build the LEGO fire truck.

My grand mother gave me some gummies.
My grandmother saw my goldfish.
After that I took my grandmother to the bus stop.
After the bus came we said “Good-bye” to my grandmother.
It was fun!!!

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