
I did P.E lesson.

P.E. Lesson

Today I did P.E lesson.
Today for P.E lesson I had 2 mats & a bim.


The mats were green & blue.
For the green mat it was backwards somersault.
For the blue mat it was the somersault.


The bim’s colour was green.
There was a white line so everybody can walk on the bim nicely.
For the kinders they could rotate on the center of the bim.
The bim was long but not longer than the train.

Snack Time

Today I ate snacks.
I ate 3 jellies.
I ate my own snack.
My mother put my snack in my plastic bag.
Some kids ate Doremi’s snack & some kids ate own snacks.
It was fun!!!

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  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...