
I went to Doremi Festival.

Doremi Festival

Today for Doremi Festival I did fishing, scoop a ball, quoits, Yo-Yo fishing, putting golf, ミルクせんべい, Pop-corn, sousegi, juice, Thow the ball.
the teachers were Yoomi sensei, Masae sensei, Eriko sensei, Mr. Marty, Mr.Max, Mr.Mathiu.

City mall

After that we went to the City Mall.
We ate our lunch.
We bought my pants & My father’s pants.
I wanted to see the toys.
I could see the toys.
That shop was Edion.


I rode a road-bike at the river side.I saw many runners of ultra marathon.They ran 50 or 70 or 100 (km).I rode far.It was fun!!!

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...