
I learned about moneys.

About moneys

Coin is a round metal thing.
There are brown & silver.
We have bills.
Bill is a paper money.
The bill starts from ¥1000 in Japan.
For America, it starts from $1.
The moneys are flat.
If you don't know how much to pay, you can add or multiply it.
Multiplying is easier.
If you push, it will move forward.
We say a coin.
Lets's say all together.
3....2.....1 coin.

 Learn money.

For moneys, just like I said before, you can add or multiply it.
For example, the pencil case costs $200.
You want to buy 3 pencil case.
If you want to multiply, it looks like this.
200 * 3 = 600.
If you want to add it looks like this.
400 + 200 = 600.
200 + 200 + 200 = 600
If you calculate fast, you can finish this in 100 seconds?
12 + 1234
7 + 890
23 + 50
60 + 230
6789 + 120
709 + 900
55 + 1244
67 + 6709
45 + 6790
098 + 459
6978 - 98
4567 * 5
6782 / 6789
567 + 567
0 + 23456
90345 / 6798
30487 - 667
09887 / 34552
6708 * 23057
30573 / 39757
395692 * 2975604
13556 - 2345
2345 + 507943


That's all for today.
 I felt happy because I love moneys.

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...