
We did 2 games!

We did penalty kick and steel tail

Today we did penalty kick.
I was the goal keeper.
I stopped many kicks.
I most stopped with my leg.
One time I stopped with my thigh.
It was a strong ball so it was hurting.
I most stopped at the last part.
It was tough but I did a good job.
Next time I will stop any ball.
But the green team's goal keeper was good.

Now I will talk about steel tail.
Steel tail is a game that you take the tail.
Today, the tail was used for the soccer bib.
Maybe I steeled 2 persons.
The steel tail was fun!
If your opponent fall down, you don't take the tail.
Everybody loves steel tail.
Next time, I want to win.
I will not lose ever!
I will do seriously.

That's all for today.
Do you want to do penalty kick and steel tail?

Super Leo 4!

  Leo : Let's do this! Reimu : I'll kill those monsters, so you go! Leo : Yeah! I'll go to the goal!  Leo : Let's go〜! ? Wai...